Crested geckos care sheet


New member
Thank you for your care sheet. By chance what would you say is a recommended humidity level/percentage? I am going to try some of your suggestions regarding substrate. Again thanks


Moderator/The French Viking Moderathorr
Contrary to what is commonly thought, humidity is a really secondary factor with crested geckos. I had cages which I NEVER sprayed at all, I just left a water dish in them and kept the substrate slightly moist, that is all. In other cages, I would spray about twice a week. This made no difference for the geckos: no shedding problems, no dehydration issues, all of them were well regardless of how high the humidity in their tank was -and that was done over many years with a subsequent number of animals. You know, their native habitat and the precise spots where they are found is not as moist as one would think. And I have never trusted hygrometers, feeling they were more misleading the user than giving proper info.


New member
Thank you so much. I have an african sulcata and humidity is a very big issue in the first few years of life. I was up ready many posts last night and many people referred to your care sheet. I have change the intervals the misting system will go off. Thank you for you feedback as well as information.


New member
URGENT: Crestie tail looks odd

Hey I don't know if this is the right forum to ask this in, but I feel like it's urgent. I have this new baby crestie who is eating well and seems healthy other than it's tail. At the end of it's tail it is rough, kinda grayish brown, and isn't "sticky" on the underside. Does anyone know what is going on? Please help!


Moderator/The French Viking Moderathorr
This is not the appropriate forum to ask such questions ;) please next time post in either the health/veterinarian issues subforum or crested geckos subforum ;)
However this case is clear to me: it is dry necrosis. It must be removed. You can do it yourself with a disinfected razor blade, it won't hurt the gecko as they have very few nervous connexions in their tails, and if you don't feel like doing it yourself, ask a vet to do it. It must be removed as this necrosis can grow bigger and affect the whole tail or worse, the lower body. Good luck with this!