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  • No, shes been like clockwork for two years...Maybe every three weeks she would lay two duds...shes a good animal...My male is cool too, but I think I need to separate him for some time...Ill introduce them back together after she starts to produce inferts...
    I think that, aside from having a couple males, this would be the best approach...what are your thoughts/experience with breeding them...My Henkels are doing their thing, and I have two separate bloodlines, but I think the satanics require more of a communal breeding group...I have a lot of stuff going on, so i am reluctant to dive into them any more so...
    Yeah, I have a bunch of gold dust offspring, some standings as well...I have 2.2.6 Henkels right now with one more good egg...
    Also, 1.1 pair of satanics I have had for around 3yrs...I had a male that was making an effort to breed with the female, but was a little small. He got out and was killed by a cat...Never had my Satanic lay any fertile eggs...I also, have large colonies of lobster, lateralis, dubia, and discoid roaches...
    Thats cool, actually I live up in Greenville. My collection is kind of scaled back right now. I am keeping/breeding a small number of U. phantasticus and U. fimbriatus. So I guess you also enjoy Uroplatus, do you keep any other geckos?
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