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  1. M

    Leopard gecko diarrhea and loss of weight

    Hello, I have a girl leopard gecko who has had eggs since the beginning of April. She has barley eaten while she has had eggs. On May 13th, I noticed her poop was very watery and not normal. I cleaned it up and weighed her and she had lost 2 grams. I was worried but waited to see if anything...
  2. M

    Leopard gecko not eating after ovulating

    Hello! my leopard gecko stopped eating around 2 months ago, and I figured out she was ovulating, because I saw an egg in her belly. she refused food for about a month after I noticed, but she ate for like a week and then stopped again. that was about a month ago and she still is refusing food...
  3. M

    Leopard gecko seems to prefer cold hide

    I have a lazer gun that measures temps
  4. M

    Leopard gecko seems to prefer cold hide

    My leopard gecko, which I have had for 10 months. Seems to be sleeping in his cold hide instead of his warm hide during the day. I've checked for leftover insects and there are none. He knows it is warm there aswell, he would always sleep there before 3 days ago. I know his heating is right too...
  5. M

    Help! my leopard gecko hasn't been eating very well

    When I feed him he seems to just look at it and then look away, no intrest at all. I tried putting a mealworm in his cage at night and in the morning it was gone. Checked for it everywhere, even under the slate. So he has been eating. He shed last week on Thursday. He was eating perfectly fine...
  6. M

    Help! my leopard gecko hasn't pooped in four nights!

    I just switched to feeding him every other night. And he has been eating fine. I checked his stomach for any blue marks and found nothing. He seems healthy, his belly isn't harder than normal. I fed him a cricket that he held in his mouth for a little bit. But it was just a little bit bigger...