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  1. J

    Help with P. caraculicus

    Hi all, This is my first time working with any Pachy species and from browsing around it looks like most people keep them in small enclosures, on sand, and with rocks for climbing/hiding. I always worry about keeping anything on sand (impactions) and i was wondering if there is a specific...
  2. J

    Colorado Herping - spring '10

    Hi Gecko people... I haven't logged on in ages, but thought i should stop by and say hello. Please enjoy a few pictures of some of the herps i've seen out in the field so far this spring... I'm not going to label this stuff because it's all common/familiar species, but if you have any...
  3. J

    The ole UV debate

    Let me introduce this topic in a slightly different way... Instead of asking " Do Day Geckos Need UV?" , I'd like to ask this: Which is BEST, UV or not? Also, what are the benefits of not using UV? In what ways is NOT using UV BETTER than providing it? We've all seen that Phelsuma can be...
  4. J


    What happened to them?
  5. J

    P. klemmeri guarding eggs

    I don't know if anyone has witnessed this with their klemmeri or any other Phelsuma, but one of my adult females was guarding her eggs. Basically, I got home from work and found one of my females had laid in the bamboo in a very obvious spot. I noticed she was hanging out on the bamboo near...
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    P.m.grandis eating pinky *GRAPHIC*

    Its not pretty, but some grandis (50% of my adults) will accept small pinky mice.
  7. J

    Hatchling P. quadriocellata Pic

    Baby Peacock Day Gecko that hatched from a single egg earlier this week -
  8. J

    Peacock Pic

    Hey guys, I'm watching my friend Michael's reptiles for him while he's on vacation, and among them are a pair of quadriocellata. I'll never understand why these things are not more popular - along with the rest of the Phelsumas... :? Here's a pic I snapped a couple of days ago and thought...
  9. J

    First chahoua (First Rhac actually)

    Hello New Cal Gecko People, I wandered over here from the Phelsuma (Day Gecko) section because I just got my first Rhacodactylus gecko. Its a baby R. chahoua from the Crested Lady - Thanks Sarah! I was fortunate enough to pick this up from her in person at the Reptile Show in Denver this...
  10. J

    Cool klemmeri/grandis shot

    I love this photo:
  11. J

    Hatchling grandis

    This little dude is only a few days old and already its wild as hell. It was running loop-D-loops over and over again on that plant. If I didn't know better I'd say it was playing. But I do, so I won't. Just thought I'd share some pics:
  12. J

    Colorado Herpin

    Before anybody gets excited about seeing some Colorado Crotalus or any of the other cool stuff we can boast, let me just say I didn't really find anything cool this summer. I only got out 3 times for a total of maybe 8-10 hrs :cry: What can I say - I've got a family now and I don't have any...
  13. J

    Here you go, Peter

    This is what she will look like in a few weeks:
  14. J

    Out for some sun - klemmeri pics

    These are some Phelsuma klemmeri that are a few months old. On the weekends, if I have time, I like to give them a few minutes of direct sun. There's no denying that they love it. Is it beneficial for them? I'm not qualified to say... You just have to be careful that you don't overheat and kill...
  15. J

    Phelsuma klemmeri

    Phelsuma klemmeri Care, Compatibility and Breeding By Joe Farah Phelsuma klemmeri juveniles Captive Care: Phelsuma klemmeri are small and non-aggressive when compared to the majority of other Phelsuma. So, their space requirements are also relatively small. I have kept 1.1 Adult klemmeri in...
  16. J

    My favorite Display Animals

    Phelsuma klemmeri make some of the best display animals I have ever kept. They are curious and never hide from me. They will eat right from your hands too! Enjoy the pics -