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  1. M

    Phelsuma standingi

    Hello all, I'm kinda new here. Im not sure I'm posting this in the right place but any help would be much appreciated. Im fascinated by day geckos! I currently own 0.2.0 P. grandis, 1.1 P. Standingi, I'll be getting a male grandis in a couple of weeks for one of my females. I hope to expand my...
  2. M

    Help with sexing Phelsuma grandis

    Hello, I'm new here. I recently set up a bio tank, Size 80x60x45 it's custom built. I purchased 2 Phelsuma grandis 2 different pet shops, the one was certain he had male and the other a female. So after getting them back I thought i would take pictures and do my own research on sexing, I'm...