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  1. J

    Leopard Geck female seems to be hungry most of the time

    Hi and thanks for the tip about feeding her before handling her. Perhaps this is a phase that will pass eventually. A leopard gecko's eating habits are far from those of cats and dogs :) Best regards Jonas
  2. J

    Leopard Geck female seems to be hungry most of the time

    Hello, my name is Jonas Sandstedt and I have a leopard gecko female called Elvira that is about 6 years old. Normally, everything works just fine. The previous years, she has stopped eating from about November to March and then started eating again as nothing has happened. I have taken her to a...
  3. J

    Four years old Female Leopard gecko has not eaten for 3 months

    Hello, we have a female leopard Gecko named Elvira that we bought 1 year ago, she was then three years old. The previous owner had only fed her zoophobas worms, and we continued with that. She was active and alert and quickly ate 3-4 worms a couple of times each week. During the winter she ate...
  4. J

    Male leopard gecko eating very little for months - helpful hints appreciated

    Hi, we took over a three year old leopard gecko (male) that we named Legolas about three months ago. He moved home to us in his existing terrarium with lamps and decor. The previous owner explained that he used to feed with 1-2 dubia roaches every third or fourth day, the gecko had not liked...