I hope to be getting an adult pair of p.rangei very very soon I would love to see some setups and what different people are doing housing wise.
Thanks a ton
Curious as to if anyone has compiled a list of the specific differences betweenU. Giganteus and U FImbriatus. I am aware of the size and the eye color being indicators, are there other ways to be certain.
Also an importer is listing "Fimbriatus "giants" and is telling me they are their own...
Hello all , my name is Enrico I am getting back into geckos and have been a reptile hobbyist for nearly 30 years, I was a member of the old IGS and at that time ( early 90's ) I had a fairly diverse reptile collection . I had lots of then uncommon geckos and other fun animals. Due to some...
Been working with these guys about 8 months again , I produced them many many years ago , and was fortunate enough to get a pair , so far she has given me 8 eggs this year I am holding out hope the first pair are going to hatch soon.
I am looking forward to re immersing myself in the gecko side...
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