Search results

  1. R

    Gravid female?

    Well I have a female N. elegans and she is getting quite large and her behaviour is changing. She is becoming much more shy than she used to be. Just curious as to what others think.
  2. R

    What's the big deal

    I was just curious as to what draws people to Naultinus. Every other post someone claims that they are a dream. For me it's all their characteristics combined as there are other geckos that share certain similarities but not all. I am absolutely amazed at their colour and patern however there...
  3. R

    Business ethics

    This topic is because of a link in the Day Gecko forum. If a customer buys whatever amount of geckos from a breeeder and some arrive dead who's responsibility is it to replace them. Obviously the DOA is because of carrier error, I certainly don't think someone would send a dead gecko. Is it the...
  4. R

    New incubator

    Has anyone tried the new Kemp's Reptile incubators yet. I am thinking of getting one and was wondering what everyone else thinks. Their web address is JURAGON Reptile Incubators Snake Incubator Turtle Incubator Gecko Incubator Alligator Incubators Lizard Incubator Reptile Egg Hatching Incubators...
  5. R


    I am interested in getting a good incubator and don't know what kind is best. I am interested in something that I can monitor my clutches without having to open the incubator and disturb anything. I also want a fairly large incubator. The species that I keep that I will use the incubator for are...
  6. R

    Phelsuma database

    I am interested in opinions on how to make a database for Phelsuma in North America. This would be a huge project so I want it to be done as good as possible. We need a constantly up to date list of Phelsuma breeders here in Canada and the U.S. In my opinion this database should include all...
  7. R

    Diplo porn(Lucasium porn)DUW

    I have been trying to get my Diplos to breed for me but having no luck. I decided to separate them, so now I keep my males separate from my females. Every weekend I introduce a female to my male hopeing for a good outcome. Finally a hint of success, but we will see. Now I hope I can get...
  8. R

    New babies again

    Another two Phelsuma guimbeaui and one ornata hatched this week. Things are looking up. I have more borbonica eggs incubating as well as more ornata and guimbeaui.
  9. R

    Diplo eggs

    I'm so excited to get my first Diplo eggs. They are tesselatus. Do they look fertile to all you experts. Please give me all the advice and tips you can think of. I want this to be a success. I have the lid removed from the container because to me it appears to be to wet.
  10. R

    New babies

    These are a few new members to the collection.
  11. R

    New babies

    I have successfully hatched P. borbonica for the first time. I am extremely excited. All I need is a male klemmeri and a male cepediana and all of my rarer Phelsuma should be breeding this year. I have ornata, guimbeaui, more borbonica, and barbouri eggs incubating now.
  12. R

    What sex, please!

    After reading Dr. Dans gecko sexing 101 I still can't get it right. Please tell me what sex this D. tesselatus. I bought it as female but am unsure. These are the best pictures I can get with my camera. Just a little info, it is about 70 to 75 cm(2.75-3 in) total length. I can see no sign...
  13. R

    New Diplo Pics

    I am brand new to the realm of Assie herps. These are my new animals and a pretty good start to Assie herping, I think. So what does everyone else think. In total I have 1.1 D. steindachneri, 1.3 D. stenodactylus and 2.1 D. tesselatus. Please any comments on their enclosure is much...
  14. R

    Paypal warning

    I didn't know where to post this but I wanted to make sure as many people saw this as possible. I just had 2400 dollars stolen from my credit card through a paypal account. I just want people to be aware of the dangers of using these so called secure sites. The credit card company has insurance...
  15. R

    New aquasitions

    Hello everyone, I am new to the assie gecko forum but I frequent the Phelsuma and Uroplatus forum. I am getting some Diplos and thought I better meet some people who really know what they are doing when it comes to this genus. I am acquireing some tesselatus(2.1), stenodactylus(1.3) and some...
  16. R

    Variety of Eggs

    The breeding season has started and so far I have been very fortunate. I have found twenty two eggs from a variety of species. Here in Canada it is still cold, below zero celcius more often than not. It surprises me to have so much activity already but I am not complaining. Anyways here is a run...
  17. R

    new to the genus

    I work exculisivly with Phelsuma and Uroplatus and have never had an interest to change until now. These are extremely interesting geckos and apperently are kept similar to Uroplatus phantasticus. I am wondering how to sex them. Is there an obvious bulge as with uro's. Also the price for one...
  18. R

    Klemmeri eggs

    I am getting a little ahead of my self but I can see a pair of eggs through the stomach of my klemmeri. I am extremely excited because I have never hatched out this species before. They are impossible to get here in Canada so I finally imported some. I don't know of any one else in Canada that...