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  1. HTC

    33g at 1 year old :0 normal?

    My geckos about a year old maybe a little over. He only weighs 33 grams :0 is this normal. She's a female hypo tangerine. She's healthy active and over all just awesome. But she's just a small gecko. So is this normal or what?
  2. HTC

    Need help with breeding out comes! :)

    Is there any suggestions on what to breed with my hypo tangerine 10% carrot tail? I'm looking to make money off of the baby's but I don't want to spend any thing over 150$ on the male. I realize I might need to breed a few times to get the morph I want. Like if I wanted patternless baby's I...
  3. HTC

    Breeding ideas!?!

    Any one have any ideas on what I should breed my hypo tangerine with!? Looking to spend under 200$ on the male!
  4. HTC

    Morph identification help!?!?

    I have had this Leo for a year now and I'm going to breed her. I always thought she was a hypo tangerine carrot tail(HTC). Is she?? I noticed some background patterns that just started showing up and now I'm not to sure. There is no parental info so I'm not sure if she's her for anything! Can...