Her eye is all swollen bruised looking.. thought it was just an injury from hopping around and it started going away but now it suddenly came back and alot worse.
Im trying to decide if i should just take her to be put to sleep as she looks horrible and painful.. is there anything that came be...
I got I big boy crested gecko weighing 71 grams and I'd love to breed him but don't think I would even be able to find a female his size that's healthy... my female though is only 42 grams... is there anyway I could breed them if I supervise whole thing then separate. Ps I don't think he's over...
My girls 42 grams and has no tail, but she just looks so small. I'm worried she would get egg bound.. I added pictures bellow, I'm wondering if she's proportionally big enough/not under weight.
She's eating a mix of 50:50 rapashy grub n fruit and pangea banana & papaya. Somtimes fresh banana as...
Ok so I got my secound crested gecko.. and as I was about to place her into her home she shot off like a bullet (had the container on the ground off course and off flies her tail when I place my hand under her to try and lift her up... how do I treat this/her tail :/ I feel terrible... I should...
sorry completely forgot about this thread since been super busy and had jaw problems (had to go see dentist and suff) Anyways an update, I did find a problem which is my brothers room gets super cold at night so now has a small heat lamp right under the heat lamp its 80 degrees, coldest point...
I was thinking about buying these guys from some one but making sure its the morph they say they are and also how much would these morphs go normally and how much there babies of these two guys (exstament)
The first two pics are aprently of a radar is that correct?
the last pic is apprently...
Is this normal or seen before, only his left side seems to fire up,back and tail but not his right. He somtimes just gets fired up when take him out but never the right side, does anyone know why?
I was wondering about adding a female with a 2 1/2 year old male, who has never been with another gecko (as far as I know as I adopted him just recently ). I dont plan on adding a new gecko till he's settled in and know everything is ok with him.
He's not skittish and super friendly (can be...
My boy gamzee didn't show ovoius signs of being male like bulge, they been togeather over 2 years now since they were hatchling and no previous breeding so imagine my shock to see them breeding few weeks back (thinking maybe just had lezbeon geckos) now I have eggs is it OK to leave them in...
I don't know if anyone has heared of this or seen this but 2 females having sex, I had thought I sexted the two sisters long ago and when saw this I had to look again but there is nothing that indicates my girl gamzee being a boy... Gamzee the one that was doing it is 92 grams and 9.1 inches...
I got them 10 months ago and I never looked to far into what morphs they where until now, as I've never been able to pin point which Morph they truly where as they have changed in there looks(my gecko consula went from pretty much zero spots on her body to quite a few, I do however think shes...
My leopard gecko hasnt been eating for few weeks now, first I thought heating and doubled cheack because we have been having weird warm and then rainy cold happening but the heat seemed fine 86-88 degrees(and 90 on heating pad) mostly 87.7degrees but turned it up to 90-92 degrees when first...
I ran out of crickets at the moment and wont be able to get some for about half a week to a week and only have mealworms will it be ok for them untill can get more crickets?
I know about the gut loading part but it says there pre gut loaded with Flucker's high calcium cricket diet, Also I do use supplements/dusting plus they readly eat them up both my young Leopard gecko's right now they eat 2-3 whole ones (medium ones in there or the huge ones in half) a day. whats...
I got 2 leopard geckos 5 days ago, I know bad idea but I do plan on seprating them if they end up both male or male/female since they are from the same clutch or see any problems. Anyway enough on that note lets talk about why I'm here, when I got them they were active and always out and bright...
The petstore has delayed there shipment of 2 leopard gecko's because thought tad bit young for trip and safe side to wait another week before getting them shipped, accaly liked the fact they took time to do that even if abit disapointed XD but it did give me more time with contioning the...
Whats your experinces and/or thoughts on petsmart, were the animals healthy or did you have issues. I accaly getting a tangerine or fancy (I know not true morph its gernlization of any morph but normal/wild kind) but if looks nice might get anyway and I wanna make sure theres nothing bad on that...
I'm not gonna breed anytime soon XD since novice and all, But I was thinking in year or even more time about maybe breeding since I have fallen in love with geckos expecally Leo's :3 But i would like to know your experience/tips on them and risks to breeding the female or anything I should be...
is exo terra a good brand for multi vitimins and calcuim with D3? Also is dusting calcium with D3 twice a week and Multivitimins once a week a good amount? I might be getting a leo this week wendsday or next few weeks and done lots of reaserch but the does seem to vary alot, what you think is...
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