Please help my gold dust gecko shed but looks extremly wet and with partial shed left. Does anybody know what I should do ? He has been like for a day..... and thats dirt from his tank on his back ... he was rubbing on stuff. He has also been more thirsty than usual. Tempbis 87-89 70% humidity...
My cat knocked my electrics tank broke it and killed both parents. One egg is gone but the other we found. The baby which is due in a week is still moving and alive!!! It still has a clear film over it should i break the film or leave it and keep it incubated..... please help im devasted !!!!!
My second clutch appeared two days ago but each one has a dent !!!! I hope they are still fertile. My first clutch is perfect laid a month ago. And yes that's mama !:yahoo:
It seems from one day to the next my quadriocelleta became extremely ill. She has twitchy feet not really moving and seems to be gasping for air. It's day two now and only getting worse please help.
I bought these guys as typical house geckos but I doubt they are. they are about three and a half inches big. any ideas would be awesome. this is my third time asking so please help out guys ! thx :biggrin:
My female electric blue gecko is acting extremely abnormal for two days now. She seems bloated and her feet seem to be very twitchy. She has laid two infertile eggs don't know if this has anything to do with anything. Some help would be awesome ! Thanks
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