Search results

  1. crestedtimm

    What is a Helmet Gecko?

    Hi, I have about 35 Helmet geckos and I want you guys to talk to me about them. I'm thinking that they can be set up communally, within reason. Super awesome and heavily patterned, I will try and post some pictures and a classified ad soon, but for now, what do you think? ;)
  2. crestedtimm

    13 inch Tokay

    This is my male tokay. Supposedly cb 05. Anyone with big tokays, feel free to add to this thread please. Timm
  3. crestedtimm

    Henkeli Hatchling

    Nice little white shoulder hatchling from my 2.2 group. Typical hatchling gecko settup. Timm
  4. crestedtimm

    Skunk Pictures

    A few pics of my pair of Vittatus, still a little thin, but doing well. Enjoy!
  5. crestedtimm


    Hey! Heres a few pictures of my pair of Blaesodactylus ssp. That I believe to be antongilensis. The male is the thin dark animal and the female has better weight. Feeding on appropriate sized roaches and commercial gecko nectar diet. Enjoy!
  6. crestedtimm

    Rugosus pics

    Well, These guys are really what all the fuss is about. The first specimen has the amazing tendency to be really light, honey gold most of the time, fading to brown when he is bothered for photos. The order I posted them is chronological, so you may be able to see what I mean. The second...
  7. crestedtimm

    My pair of gargoyles

    Just a few shots of my Gargoyles. The male has always had a lot of red highlights, and the female blushes red sometimes.
  8. crestedtimm

    A few angulifer pics

    A few pics I snapped last night, didnt want to bother them too much, was trying to capture their posture. Enjoy!
  9. crestedtimm

    Freezing Mossies?

    I am wondering how I could manufacture a cage, furnishings and all, that would allow me to keep my Mossys outside 365 here in Fla. We have had a few good cold snaps this season, during which the temp dropped into the high teens-low 20s. I brought my animals in during that stint. I just wonder...
  10. crestedtimm

    Updated henkeli pics

    Hey everyone! Pictures of the henkeli hatchling that was theoretically sired by male I posted a few months ago. Just got my camera back, enjoy! and please comment. Timm
  11. crestedtimm

    Lineatus and Fimbriatus together?

    Hey! I was wondering what everyone thinks about keeping these two species together. I would assume that based on size that the two would be OK, but aside from being hypothetical, can anyone affirm or dispute their compatibility? Thanks in advance, Timm
  12. crestedtimm

    Elok or Brevi?

    Ok, I realize we have gone thru this before...sorta. Is there any easy way to tell the difference, at a glance, between Elok and Brevipalmatus? I see all of these geckos being sold as Brevipalmatus, and the price reflects that they are not costing a lot wholesale. I have a lone female, WC...
  13. crestedtimm

    Rugosus gender pics needed

    Hey everyone, I need some good pics of the genital area of both sexes of rugosus. Thanks in advance, Timm
  14. crestedtimm

    Rugosus pics

    Some pics I took of a friends rugosus, hope you enjoy.
  15. crestedtimm

    Identify this offspring

    Ok, see what you think of this baby I hatched from the henkeli group I posted months ago. I believe it humors the "Identify this Leaftail" that we assume might be henkeli. Sorry these pics arent good,but maybe they will suffice for now.
  16. crestedtimm

    Hows about this trade?!?

    Hey everyone, I just thought I would let everyone in on my good fortune. I was vending the NARBC show in Tinley a few weeks ago, and I traded with a girl who came to the table a baby crested gecko for a nice pair of Gecko vittatus, AKA, Skunk or White lined geckos. I have never had any of this...
  17. crestedtimm

    Spaero prices

    Hey, Need to know current market value on spaerodactylus elegans, argus, and notatus. pm me please. Thanks in advance, Timm
  18. crestedtimm

    Identify this leaftail..

    Hi! I received this wc animal a few months ago, and am not really sure about what it may be. -flesh mouth lining -markings that say "sameiti" -as long as my henkels My issue is that I received it from an importer who was supposed to pick 2.2 henkeli from the shipment and sent them to me...
  19. crestedtimm

    2.2 Phantasticus

    A group I used to have. Timm
  20. crestedtimm

    Mac vs PC advice

    Hey everyone, I am in the market for a laptop type machine. I am receiveing mixed reviews in regards to whether I should get a laptop (PC) or a Mac. I need something up to date, that I can create and manage a website on, wireless, The whole sheebang... I can afford something in the $700-...