Search results

  1. beanie baby

    Please Help! Red Abrasions

    Hi everyone, I'm posting for my friend, a new leopard gecko owner who went on vacation for 3 weeks and left her gecko with the care of her brother. She returned today and was told the gecko hadn't eaten and was acting off. Upon examination, she noticed the gecko had some painful reddish-brown...
  2. beanie baby

    Busted Nose?

    Hey everyone. One of my leopard geckos, Rusty, is a 3 yr old female who has a flighty personality, and is especially so with people she doesnt know (mostly because they are unfamiliar with leopard geckos themselves). The other day she fell particularly hard when I left my friend with her for...
  3. beanie baby

    Is Newspaper a Good Idea?

    Hi everyone. Newbie to this site,I got my leopard gecko Bean in September of 2015 as a juvenile and lined her tank with repti-carpet. Over the past few months she's been growing, and I've been noticing that when she grabs for her crickets and/or waxworms she grabs a bit of the fabric's fibers...