Search results

  1. Marc

    Another death in U.Milli 0.1, what's the cause?

    I hope some of you can help me, i've had 2.3 U. Milli since last july. 2 females have been laying eggs and have been producing offsping. the other female was from 2009 so i kept her seperated as well as one of the males. (so i kept, 1,2 in a terrarium, 1.0 in a terrarium and 0.1 in a seperate...
  2. Marc

    Nephrurus levis, latest addition

    I've got these little ones from the show in antwerpen last weekend. They are really great fun to look at and i am very happy with them. I ve got them from Rob D'Heu, also a member here (thnxs) I will post some pics of the terraria soon.
  3. Marc

    Australia, 2008

    Everytime i think about it i get homesick.....(australia isn't even my home) but it is really fantastic over there. I don't want to put a whole story down here, just some pics.... One thing i want to share is that i couldn't have done this all if i hadn't met Ted Johanson over there. Some of...
  4. Marc

    Underwoodisaurus Milli eggs

    Hello Guys, Yesterday i saw one of my two female's in the egglaying box, when i looked closer i saw she was "fat"....i decided to take a look at the egglaying box today. i saw two eggs immediately, after that i found 2 more.....i am really pleased with this. I've put them in Perlite 1:1 in a...
  5. Marc

    substrate for egg laying box U. Milli

    I know this question has been asked several times....but i am interrested in why you choose that substrate? I have heard of coco peat, sand, etc etc...what are the pro's and con's? At this time i am using sand, but thinking about putting a second egg laying box in the terrarium with a other...
  6. Marc

    New terrarium (Underwoodisaurus Milli)

    Hello everybody, I wanted to show you guys my new terrarium for my Underwoodisaurus Milli's. It is 120 cm long, 40 deep and 50 high..i 'd allready put a background in it and some decoration to show you what i am planning to do... Here are the pic's, if some one has advise of some sort i would...
  7. Marc

    Hello from The Netherlands (Europe)

    Hello Everybody, I am Marc Belt from Holland, 25 years old and keeping reptiles for more than 10 years. Before i kept especially varanus species. At this time I'am starting with Australian Geckos, Nephrurus, Diplodactylus and Strophurus. I went to australie in januari/februari 2008, and saw...