Search results

  1. Happygecko

    Diplodactylus g. granariensis addition from Hamm

    See what I got in Hamm last weekend: some very nice 1.1 Diplodactylus granariensis granariensis. They are really nice in color and I am thankfull to Fred for them. Sometimes unplanned additions are the best ;-)
  2. Happygecko

    Wheeleri hatching

    :biggrin::biggrin::biggrin:Hi there this is our first wheeleri hatching we produced so far!!! It is always amazing to have nephrurus hatchings but to see the first hatching ever of one new species is the coolest.... I was waiting quite some days for this to happen and now I am confident for...
  3. Happygecko

    No photo contest for 2010??

    Hi I was wondering if there won't be a photo contest this year for a new calender in 2010??? All year long I am trying to take good pictures to have at least one great shot for the contest... ;-) and every day I walk by the calender and enjoy the beautiful pictures from this community.... Kind...
  4. Happygecko

    sexing U. henkeli

    Hi there! I just wanted to prove whater this is a 100% female. This gecko has now 25-26 gramm, and from the coloration says it is a female, bc it's banded. But just want to hear that again from you, with those pictures shown: This was the henkeli last night, running around the viv! No big...
  5. Happygecko

    Some Uroplatus pics I recently ...

    Hi there... I wanted to post those for a couple of weeks now, but never came to do so... So here we go: Some pics of U. guentheri and henkeli that we keep. I hope you'll like them! They are not the greatest but we need to get used to the new camera ;-) Kind regards Cindy
  6. Happygecko

    Some Nephrurus shots

    Hi together! Since I saw all these awesome pictures I decided to take some myself, for our website! Actually I wanted to take some of our Uroplatus henkeli, but when I started with the Nephrurus i never got to the Uroplatus henkeli...The Nephrurus pics are not as great as some shots you can see...
  7. Happygecko

    Pics of my uroplatus

    Hi all! I just wanted to share some pics I just took some minutes ago before the light turned off. Hope you like them! Some pics of U. guentheri and some U. henkeli! Kind regards Cindy
  8. Happygecko

    Need quick sexing

    Hey guys... Thinking of purchasing this little guy. He/She/it is 3 months old. I know its early but what do you think???? Can you already see sth male? Kind regards Cindy
  9. Happygecko

    First milii hatchings

    Here are the first pics of our first aussie gecko hatchings ever! Those two cuties just hatched this morning and made my day!:yikes: regards Cindy:biggrin:
  10. Happygecko

    First picta hatching of the year

    :banana: Here a picture of our first picta hatching of this year! He ist 2 days old! From single striped 100% het. xanthic parents:-) hope you like the little guy! Regards, Cindy
  11. Happygecko

    Couple of pics

    Hi all! I just wanted to share some of our recently took pics from our Ciliatus! We just started breeding with them and hope for lots of fertile eggs :-) Enjoy... Hope you liked them! Rgerads, Cindy
  12. Happygecko

    Pics of U. guentheri

    Hi all! I took some pictures couple of nights ago and wanted to share them with you! These are all young U. guentheri. Hope u'll enjoy: Regards, Cindy
  13. Happygecko

    Pics of your U. milii

    Hi you all! I just wanted to share with you our recent pictures from U. milii! We've got 7 eggs of them incubating at this point and both females are carrying eggs again. We can't wait for our first australian offspring ever!:biggrin: So here we go: Hope you enjoy! Regards, Cindy
  14. Happygecko

    New german gecko-lover ;-)

    Hi to all of you! I have been on this forum as a guest quit a bit but I signed up only couple weeks ago... And I forgot to introduce myself... So I figured I could do it right now... My name is Cindy and my boyfriend and I keep and breed geckos... We started with Paroedura picta, then got to...
  15. Happygecko

    N.amyae:Housing as Trio or all seperated?

    Hi all of you! I am new to Nephrurus spec. and I got my first amyae at the Hamm show just 2 weeks ago. I have experience in keeping Phelsuma and Paroedura picta, as well as R. ciliatus but these are my first Knob Tails so far.... I got a trio, with the older female beeing 8 months old and about...