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  1. repkyle

    Pachydactylus young.

    I thought I would share a bit. Enjoy.
  2. repkyle

    Some Pachydactylus pics.

    P.bicolor P.weberi P.scutatus P.fasciatus P.rangei P.sp P.mariquensis P.latirostris P.haackei P.tsodiloensis P.tigrinus P.carinatus P.caraculicus P.montanus P.monicae P.atorquatus
  3. repkyle

    Some displays

    I thought I would share.
  4. repkyle


    These are clutch mates.
  5. repkyle

    C.v.v hatchlings

    I just thought would share. Enjoy.... This one is Imperial Co, CA. And this one is Oveton, NV.
  6. repkyle

    prashadi and triedrus adult size pics.

    Thought I would post these pics here also.
  7. repkyle

    prashadi and triedrus

    I just thought I would share. Enjoy.
  8. repkyle


    These two hatched Tuesday AM.
  9. repkyle


    They are about 2 months old.
  10. repkyle

    Tropiocolotes steudneri pics

    Thought I would share.Enjoy.
  11. repkyle

    Some Diplos.

    Some neat pics.... vittatus damaeus stenodactylus tesselatus
  12. repkyle

    Cyrtodactylus oldhami.

    Is there any one else keeping these? Please post some pics if you are keeping this species. Thanks for looking.
  13. repkyle

    splendens and set-up pics....

    I wanted to share some pics I took today,enjoy. Thanks for looking....
  14. repkyle

    Palmatogeckos breeding.

    Just thoght I would share. This little guy just went for it.Thanks enjoy. Best Kyle.
  15. repkyle


    Lets see some other pics of D.vittatus.
  16. repkyle


    I have never had this species,but very neat!