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  1. daggekko

    Gecko ID?

    Photo was taken in Mozambique. What is it? moz gecko by daggekko, on Flickr
  2. daggekko

    Phelsuma parkeri?

    So I know a little while back Switzer brought in a big group of P. parkeri. Sadly I hesitated too long and wasn't able to get myself some. Since then I really haven't seen anything about them. How is everyone doing with them? Breeding success? Keeping difficulty? Are they bold? I'd love to hear...
  3. daggekko

    Nutrition people I need your input on a new gecko food powder!!

    Hey, Petsmart has their brand "All Living Things". They did a reset with their reptile products(HUGE expansion) and added a product called "Crested Gecko Powder". I couldn't tell if it was possibly made for them by Repashy so I wanted to ask some nutrition geeks what they thought. The fruit...
  4. daggekko

    Gecko Room Photos!

    It has been a while(I think) since I've done much posting on GU. I figure the time is right for some more photos. Enjoy! 013 by daggekko, on Flickr 012 by daggekko, on Flickr 011 by daggekko, on Flickr 010 by daggekko, on Flickr 009 by daggekko, on Flickr 007 by daggekko, on Flickr 006 by...
  5. daggekko

    Egg incubation

    Want to hit this topic up before I start getting eggs again. Seems like I am getting 90 % or more females from the eggs I've been hatching. I have tried on top of tanks(where the temps were up around 87F and cooled down to high 70s-low 80s. I've incubated in an incubator where the temps stay...
  6. daggekko

    Id me please!!

    Yesterday at work all I could think about was geckos. I had a friend texting me about geckos. Geckos geckos geckos. I went to pick up a pallet and sure enough a little gecko went running across the warehouse floor!! I almost squashed it. 099 by daggekko, on Flickr 098 by daggekko, on Flickr...
  7. daggekko

    2013 Season?

    So there was a thread about successes of 2012. What about plans for 2013?? What species are you planning to breed(or at least try) for 2013?? I'm shooting for: Phelsuma abbotti chekei Phelsuma borbonica mater Phelsuma pasteuri Phelsuma robertmertensi Phelsuma v-nigra comoraegrandensis I have...
  8. daggekko

    Eggs or other issue?

    Hey, so a store in my area has a leopard gecko that seemed to be developing eggs. I've taken a look at this gecko 2 or 3 times and don't feel like it has eggs in its belly. I've got a few photos I will attach. Sorry they are not the best quality. I really want to see what opinions people have...
  9. daggekko

    My two girls!

    Hey, so a long while ago I put up a few photos of my 2 Tokays. Thought one might be a male, the other hoping a female. Today I did an enclosure cleaning and decided FINALLY to use the glove idea to hold them(and by the way, my heart is STILL racing). I should have 2 girls. My only question is...
  10. daggekko

    Gecko photos from today's enclosure cleaning

    Got a few good photos. P. pasteuri-female, will be ready to breed in spring 025 by daggekko, on Flickr P. abbotti chekei-male, not a great photo 022 by daggekko, on Flickr P. pasteuri-female, this one is a few months younger and may be big enough to breed around July 017 by daggekko, on...
  11. daggekko

    Phelsuma and ABG mix?

    Has anyone used ABG soil mix in with their geckos? I bought way too much of the components and will be making a large amount of this soil. I also am goign to do a lot of enclosure cleaning today, and was thinking about using it instead of cypress mulch.
  12. daggekko

    New Eggs!!!

    :banana::banana::banana::banana::banana::banana: Anybody want to guess which species laid these for me??? 004 by daggekko, on Flickr :banana::banana::banana::banana::banana::banana:
  13. daggekko


    Having issues with spiders. Have an unfinished basement and they are everywhere. Sometimes one will end up in a gecko enclosure. All of my tropical plants that are not in enclosures have spiders hanging about as well.:-x My question is: Does anybody know a safe way to RID the entire house of...
  14. daggekko

    Expos in GA?

    Hey, just curious to know if Repticon is the only expos in GA anymore. I know there used to be one at the Cobb galleria/convention center. Thanks in advance!
  15. daggekko

    We need another photo dump!!

    So some of these photos I may have already posted. I can't remember and I am too excited. So tough:biggrin: Phelsuma borbonica mater-my new male! My single female-she is next to the new male and has been sitting out in the open and colored WAY up ever since getting him. I think she likes...
  16. daggekko

    V-nigra comoraegrandensis-Boys?

    Let me know what you think of the gender of these 2 geckos. If I need to get a better first picture I will try again.
  17. daggekko

    Return from Daytona Beach, FL

    So I got back from Daytona and got all the new critters set up. I got a pair of Phelsuma robertmertensi and a male Phelsuma borbonica mater from Kurt Lantz( ). Big thanks to you Kurt!! I also got 2 CB Mantella aurantiaca from a friend and a Fantasy Frog! I took a few photos as I was...
  18. daggekko

    Phelsuma egg development question

    I have been sitting on a couple Phelsuma sundbergi ladiguensis eggs for 83 days now. At first and until today I noticed one egg developing and the other never started developing. I assumed it was bad, but since it was attached to the good egg I just ignored it. I candled the eggs today to see...
  19. daggekko

    Phelsuma abbotti chekei hatchlings!!!

    Hatched out a couple babies today. And here is a baby Gold Dust!
  20. daggekko

    Phelsuma laticauda outdoor trial

    So I have had many baby Gold Dust Day Geckos since I got a pair back in late 2010. I have grown a few of them up, found homes for a few as well. The big issue I have noticed is that they don't develop the red colorations and the green is very muted. I decided to build an outdoor screen enclosure...