Search results

  1. J

    Female P.Grandis delayed egg laying

    Hi my female p.grandis was laying on a consistent basis. She has layed 5 times since January her last egg on 4/12/15. And looks like she wants to lay again one day then doesn't and now today is the one month mark when she last layed. Her feeding is still the same the lights are still on same...
  2. J

    Help with sex

    Here is a pic of my male P. Grandis at less than 2 years old so my guess would be both female.
  3. J

    Two day old hatchling

    Hi, my Giant Day Gecko egg just hatched yesterday. When I put the hatchling in the new enclosure I designed so the humidity stays high it seems to be sliding around and not getting good traction. Even on the perches I made out of pvc pipe I even sanded the perches with 600 grit sand paper to...