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  1. K

    Advice on a snake with a broken rib!

    Everyone knows that we deal with Reptiles so they often bring us animals they find which we then realease in a field behind our house. But a couple of days ago some people brought us 2 lined snakes or Tropidoclonion lineatum and the large female has a broken rib the guy who brought them to us...
  2. K

    Baby explosion

    I just moved my Lepidiodactylus Lugubris to a tank equal to the size of a 40 gal about 4 months ago. And it has so many places to hid eggs and babies I can't find all the eggs, so now there are around 10 babies in there with 6 adults and the babies are doing just fine even though they could be...
  3. K

    need some help with my 2 new P.Bastardi

    I bought 2 new P. Bastardi at the 17 annual Kc show and I need some help with there care. o I first i want to know if they can climb? Thanks in advance Lee Messmer
  4. K

    Who else went to the midwest 16th annual show today.

    I went I got a new leo for my breeding groupe who else went?
  5. K

    new female how do I intoduce

    I bought a new female for my breeding groupe how should I go about introducing her to her new roomy? Their the same size and everything I'm just confused with how to introduce them.
  6. K

    what't the best starter dart frog?

    I have a 18 L x 14 w x 22 T and whould love to get in to dart frogs. I have kept green tree frogs, cuban tree frogs, and gray tree frogs yea I know nothing like dart frogs but that's my exp. with frogs. Thanks
  7. K

    help the lives in three eggs depend on it!!!

    We bought some top soil from a farm we found 5 eggs in it but 2 were broke they look to be snake eggs we are incubating them at 86 , so my question is how do you tell which side needs to be placed up we put the dark side down and the light side up is this right. please reply quickly.
  8. K

    A mourning story

    One of my baby mournings when I found it in my adult females cage had a damaged tail I thought nothing of it and placed the baby in with the others, its been a month and I really started looking and noticed the baby had another tail growing out of the injured area,I have decided to name her...
  9. K

    were do you guys get your digital thermometers

    I need to get another digital thermometer with a prob that will go into the sand thanks.
  10. K

    Got 2 new leos

    My local pet store was having a sale so I bought a male albino and a female blizzard for $33 :shock: together it was there 1st time hatching blizzards this year. but there only babys so I can't breed them yet but o well
  11. K

    I need some help plz.

    My leo has stoped eatting and, now has 2 white ovals in her stomache when I look under her at her stomache. She has not been with a male could it be eggs im seeing :? .Is it possible for a leo to lay eggs without a male to show she is ready to breed?
  12. K

    just one question.

    My new creastie was in with some white striped geckos about 4-5 and were like 5-6in., about 10 green tree frogs, 2 green anoles so could this be the reason why he is skinny or, do you think it might be internal parisites :?: Thanks for all the help you guys, Lee
  13. K

    Just got my first creastie.

    I got a baby creastie for 54.00$ at Petco today he/she is in an eco terra cage its a 12-12-18 sized he/she is a patternless orange :D . Lee
  14. K

    Just a few questions.

    I have a square cage that measures 19.5 in. on every side with 2 green tree frogs, 1 cuban tree frog, 3 five lined skinks. The temps go from about 70 at night to 82 in the day at the most, with a humidity of between 60%-80% is this ok for a creastie? Thanks,Lee Messmer
  15. K

    it's a girl!!!!!

    my lepidodactylus lugubris just hatched :D . I got the time down and everything she hatched at 5:53 she is about a inch long from head to tail :shock: thankfully I just hatched out 1000 pinhead crickets and got 2 flightless fruit fly cultures. Thanks,Lee
  16. K

    I got my mourning gecko she is already gravid.

    I got her on the 21 and she is eating like a pig , she layed her first egg on the 25. Thanks Elizabeth I can't think you anough these geckos are so awsome. Lee
  17. K

    My new mourning gecko came she has layed his first egg.

    I got her the 21 and on the 25 layed her egg :shock: . Her egg will hatch on the 24 of October :D .These geckos are so awsome they lay eggs with no male needed :shock: ! Lee
  18. K

    Question about how old my leo is.

    when dose a patternless leo baby lose it's pattern :?: .
  19. K

    what is a good substrate for a lepidodactylus lugubris tank.

    I am wonder in if my set up for a mourning gecko is right. I have a layer of large rock, then a layer of small rock then, some moss on top should Iadd a layer of soil or is it fine as it is. :?
  20. K

    questions about cro geckos.

    are they easy to breed can they live with green anoles and brown anoles or cand they live with green tree frog or cuban tree frog. thanks,Kansasboy22