I have some sad news, I will be selling my gecko to a wonderful friend for I can no longer care for my gecko. My friend will show a ton of love and I will be giving her a link to this website it's been a wonderful journey. Thank you to all who have helped me!
OK so my gecko normally poops once a day but he hasn't pooped in for 3 days, and I haven't really seen him come out of his hot hide for a good day or two, I fed him today and he ran all over the place when I put my hand in the tank, and it look like he will be shedding soon, idk if this normal...
So I will be getting a 20 galling tank and maybe two new hides along with a thermostat. I wanted to know how often do I need to change out reptile carpet. I've had thus one since June but I flipped it to the buntouched side about three weeks ago, how often do I need to change it out? Also am I...
Hello, so over the past week or so I have many crickets around the upstairs area. I have caught/killed at least 8. I have found many outside but I don't know if they are coming from outside or upstairs, I keep the crickets upstairs in my room, and is it OK to just feed ender worms, I don't want...
I made some adjustments to my tank, I will upgrade tank size around christamas. I was wondering if there are any improvementsor adjustments I could make to this layout, if so please tell me!
Hello I have a question on handling! So every so often maybe a few times a month I will put my hand in the tank flat down to see if my gecko will come on. My question is should i let him roam around on me? I picked him up a few times and hestarted crawling on to like my shoulders. Should I let...
I currently have a 10 gallon all glass tank.I eventually want to upgrade to either a 20 g long, or a exo terra
18 by 18 by 18. But I wanted to know if Leopard gecko can live in a wooden enclosure, with a glass
Acrylic sliding door. I was tempted to build one, but I didn't know if they can be...
Hello, i was wondering all of the things i could give my leopard gecko.Right now all I am giving him is mealies, and crickets. I know your not supposed to give pinky mice, and super worms and wax worms should be given once a week. But is there anything else i could give my leo, i know they are...
OK so i only have the red light on so it helps with the heat, the heat mat is losing heat so I will replace, I have the red bulb because pets mart talked my parents into getting it, normally I just have a small little light bulb on during the day, but when I get another heat mat the red bulb...
I can't quite tell if my gecko is a male or female,it looks like a male but I want to make sure. I Know some of you have probably sexed your geckos.So if any I you could help me out that would help me out.
Hello, i was wondering if i need to get like vitamin powder and a few other reptile supplements.
I am currently just using repti-calcium with d3 by zoo med, and i didn't know how often i should my little leo. My leo is about 6 1/2 inches from head to end of tail, i do not know the age,or gender...
Hello im new to this website just as much as I am a fairly new leopard gecko owner I have had my little guy for a good month I do not know the age or gender, I have had a hard time keeping the temperature correct in my leopard gecko tank I have tried contacting John from geckoboareptiles but...
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