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  1. L

    Looking For Pictures Of Unusual Underwoodisaurus Milii

    I'm just curious if anyone has hatched out any unusual milii. I've produced a lot of hypos, but I was wondering if anyone has produced any with stripes, reduced patterns, etc. Let's see some pics if you've got them.
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    What Ever Happened To Golden Gecko

    For years they were at the top of the Leopard Gecko world and then they were gone. Does anybody know what happened to them?
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    Underwoodisaurus milii Hatchling

    I've been hatching out some exceptionally nice Underwoodisaurus milii this year. Check this little guy out.
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    Nephrurus wheeleri cinctus Hatchling

    This little gem hatched out a few weeks ago. These are definitely my favorite type of Knobtail.
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    Diplodactylus galeatus Hatchlings

    I just thought I'd share some pics of some beautiful little Diplodactylus galeatus I hatched out the other day. These little guys are amazing!
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    Ant Hill Python On Eggs

    I just thought I'd share a photo of my female Ant Hill Python on her new clutch of eggs. These guys are also known as the Pygmy Python (Anteresia perthensis) and they are the smallest known python in the world. They are very cool snakes.
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    Let's See Pics of Everyone's Prettiest Nephrurus levis levis

    I hatched this boy out last year and he has got to be one of the prettiest levis I've ever produced. I love the lavender highlights on his head and back. Now let's see some more beautiful levis. [/img]
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    Piebald Ball Python

    This is my 2004 female Piebald Ball Python. I got her from Pete Kahl and I have big plans for this girl one day. She is an amazing snake. I hope you enjoy the pic. Matt Ozsvath Lizards of Oz [/img]