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  1. B

    My Leo Is Really Messed Up!! :(

    Yes he's kept it down for 5 weeks. The vet said I should give him that amount. I can try boosting it up to 5 or 6 if you think it's ideal. My larger gecko Castiel was on 5 cc everyday until he could eat on his own. I only have a picture of after he lost his tail, I'll link it in here. It's from...
  2. B

    My Leo Is Really Messed Up!! :(

    This is my leo Ichabod, I've had him for a little over 4 months. Ever since I got him he never really ate much, I figured it was because he was settling in and I read that not eating was normal for a bit. A few weeks after I purchased him, I accidentally dropped a hide on his tail because my dog...
  3. B

    Someone said my leos have MBD??

    Imgur Ok, someone on Instagram said my leos have MBD.. I'm pretty sure they don't. The bigger one is just sleeping, they all normally sleep with their legs behind them.. as if they were running and plopped down. She eats normally, poops normally and can walk/run normally. She doesn't wobble at...
  4. B

    My 5yr old Leo's tail tip looks funny.

    I've had this guy for about 2 months, got him for $15 because he was unwanted. He's been perfectly fine until now, he still acts normal but when I looked at his tail today the tip was a bit black. The black stuff fell off but his tail tip looks irritated. I'm not sure if I should put the...