Search results

  1. 9

    10 gallon vertical display

    I am looking for stocking options of a 10 gallon very tank, I have looked at day gecko species. Other than that I have no idea what to put in the tank, maybe a frog species? If a frog specie it can’t be a poison dart frog, I’m in the planning stage so I’m looking for options and how to setup the...
  2. 9

    Banded gecko 26 gallon bowfront

    Heres the update for you guys, got some clear 100% silicone for the tank and the backgrounds were weighed down by dumbbells. The few plamts I will have will be a sedum sp. and dry grass. Found out the Joshs Frogs mu=ight have some for sale at the end of the summer k]or early fall. Im going to...
  3. 9

    Skunk geckos

    I am looking to add 2 skunk geckos to my pet room, I have a 26 bowfront with a naturalistic great stuff background covered in eco earth, but am wondering how would I set it up. Should there be branches for them to rest on and cork tubes, live plants? Also isn’t there care basically just like a...
  4. 9

    Next gecko species

    I am potentially going to the MN reptile expo in April and am debating between african fat tails, steppe runners or African clawed gecko. I really like desert species and every once and a while holding the gecko and one that has some personality. I can get all the heating requirements, just...
  5. 9

    20L leopard gecko tank

    I have been wanting a desert gecko species for a long time and a few days ago I purchased a 20 gallon long fish tank for a gecko. I found a person on Facebook who can’t care for their Leo anymore because they don’t have time. Here is the tank with hardpacked clay and multiple hides, it’s like a...
  6. 9

    Anole tank plants

    I am trying to replicate a long leaf pine forest, but I don't know what species to outback in for plants. I was thinking getting look alike plants that's do better in terrariums. I know it will have parlor plans or a similar palms, and maybe a small fern or 2. The tank so USB a 26 bowfinrt
  7. 9

    African bow tank

    I have setup a planted and leaf littered 26 bow front, it also has a small rockwall that creates an elevated planter a DNA the rocks have many gap she for the lizard to hide in. The plants also create many hiding areas as well. The substrate is also deep in areas for a skink to burrow. My big...
  8. 9

    Banded gecko 26 gallon bowfront

    I'm thinking about getting a pair of Texas banded geckos. I was thinking of letting the Texas banded geckos naturally breed and incubate. Also I have excavator with sand, it's about 60% clay and 40% sand. I also lined the warm side with Eco Earth, so would a heat mat work then? I will have a...
  9. 9

    Natural Leo hides

    I want to make 100% natural hides from excavator and slate, I know it would Work for the warm and cool hide but how would the moist hide work? Just a small hole and kind of a deep cave as well?
  10. 9

    Here I go again, desert gecko species

    This species can't bite or is able to handle some handeling also one that will come out eventually and not hide until night.
  11. 9

    Giant day gecko in a 26 bowfront

    I am thinking about getting a madaganscan day gecko instead of a crested gecko, I really like how they look and wanted something a bit bigger. My goal is to have lots of live plants, including a small ficus tree. I'm looking at getting a younger gecko and will feed small crickets (5-6) 2-3 times...
  12. 9

    Day gecko in a 10 gallon?

    Problaly not possible but just wondering if there are any day geckos for a 10 gallon?
  13. 9

    How many crested geckos in a 26 gallon?

    I am getting a crested gecko soon, I was wondering if 2 females can be kept in a 26 bowfront?
  14. 9

    26 bowfront backround

    i want to make a backround but don't really want to use great stuff...but if I have to I will any ideas tank is for a crested gecko
  15. 9

    Lizard for a 26 bowfront

    Anything even amphibians for a 24.2" x 14.8" x 20.9" bowfront (more vertical)
  16. 9

    Leopard gecko natural tank: 26 gallon bowfront

    This is my first ever reptile and first ever documented tank build so bear with me. I am getting a normal type Leo and getting the supplies in the next week or two. I am trying to make this look good and be functional at the same time. Tank: 26 gallon aqueon bowfront Heating: 10-20 gallon zoomed...
  17. 9

    Leopard gecko vs African fat tail gecko

    I am really tied between the leopard gecko and the African fat tail. I really like the African looks and temperament, but they aren't usually found here (Minnesota). My mom saw the leopard and found it kinda cute, but I've heard they ingest sand and I want to make a super natural tank, so it's...
  18. 9


    I'm getting a Leo soon and was wanting to know if a dish of calcium is required? Also what size hides would a leopard gecko need
  19. 9

    New owner

    I was wondering what wattage heat bulbs to use for day and night heating? I can't use an uth because I'm using excavator with eco earth mixed in. My tank is a 26 bowfront and was wanting to house 2 females. I have food, bowls and was also wondering how many hides and what size hides I would need...
  20. 9

    First gecko

    This summer I am getting $500 for doing farm work at my aunts (I'm not using all this on the gecko) and I was given the choice yesterday from my mother of a single gecko or multiple fish. I chose a gecko of course...I don't want to have the whole water chemistry and water changes. Anyways the...