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  1. PassPort

    El Bird Poop

    Hey guys, what do you think of my newest hatchling?
  2. PassPort

    Bavayia species?

    Hey, just curious what Bavayia species are still in the hobby? I know robusta, cyclura and geitaina are still pretty well represented in the US, but I haven't heard anything about the other species that were floating around 5-7 years ago, namely montana and savaugii. Regards, -Kevin
  3. PassPort

    Puck Light Questions

    Hey, I haven't been on here in a while, but I have a few questions regarding halogen puck lights. If this is the wrong forum, well, then Ethan can $@#^ my $^*$& I've been using this style lighting for my Phelsuma and Anolis for about 4 years now, but I keep having having problems with them...
  4. PassPort

    Phelsuma sundbergi sundbergi

    Shot off a quick pic of my male yesterday and just thought I'd share with everyone else. This guy is my pride and joy.
  5. PassPort

    Which small Phelsuma to get?

    Hey guys, tossing around the idea of getting some more small Phelsuma species. Currently keeping klemmeri, but might try to get another small species in the near future. Torn between nigristriata and robertmertensi. What say ye?
  6. PassPort

    Reptiles and Apartments?

    Hey guys, for the first time ever my apartment is giving me trouble about my reptiles. I've lived a few other places without problems and my current apartment said they were fine when I moved in, but now 2 yrs later they're saying that I'm violating my lease. Anyone have any similar experiences?
  7. PassPort

    Name That Species: "Mystery" Phelsuma Edition!

    I just got in a box of ugly skittish day geckos. Can any one help me identify them? The box: The male: I have better pics, but let's have some guesses first ;) p.s. Jeff and Blake, you can't participate in this game!
  8. PassPort

    Rhacodactylus ciliatus - some future breeders

    I'll work these guys into my groups some how male: female #1: female #2: female #3:
  9. PassPort

    New Klemmeri!

    Picked up a nice group of 6 klemmeri the other day in a trade from a local kid (thanks, Cole!). Two of the juvies are larger, about 3-4 months old and the other 4 are all about 6-8 weeks now. I think the larger two are sexable. I know the pics aren't the clearest, but does anyone feel like...
  10. PassPort

    2010 Agricolae Hatchlings

    Just found these little ones in the incubator tonight. I'm really happy with the amount of pattern these guys have. -Kevin
  11. PassPort

    Blind Grandis

    I had this weird little one hatch out early last week. I knew something was off bout it when I first saw it, but it took me a few moments to realize that it hatched without any eyes. Anyways, it seems to be doing just fine other than the lack of eyes, it's eating (CGD)/drinking and navigating...
  12. PassPort

    it's been a while......

    thought I'd post a few recent pics
  13. PassPort

    New Vieillardi

    Just got my new vieillardi pair in today and they are looking great! Thanks to Steve @ Leapin' Leachies
  14. PassPort

    Rhac Rack

    I just finished my new Rhac Rack and got all the geckos moved in tonight. It's birch stained with a 2 part stain that could best be described as an antiqued walnut with a semi gloss varnish over top. I'm pretty happy with how it turned out. It perfectly houses 9 Exo-Terra or ZooMed 18x18x18...
  15. PassPort

    Oddball Hatchling Auriculatus!

    Anybody ever see one like this? It's a first for me. Trying to decide if I should keep this one back or sell it to the highest bidder. New and Improved JUNGLE GARGS! lol. Seriously though, let me know what you guys think. It came from pairng my brick red female with a nice red striped male. I...
  16. PassPort

    A Semi-Rare Sight

    Here's a sight that not too many people get the joy of actually witnessing. I caught her at the tail end (pardon my pun) of the whole ordeal. This is her 3rd clutch of the season. and of their viv: you can see the proud father on the left hand side Thanks for looking! -Kevin
  17. PassPort

    Home Made Fruit Mix (Frugivorus Gecko Diet)

    Alright, I've never really posted this recipe publicly, but I know there's a few of you that have been asking me for it so here it is. This is just a general guideline, the final recipe will need to be adjusted based on your actual gecko's tastes. fruit mix recipe: Equal parts of these fresh...
  18. PassPort

    Feeder Beetles?

    Does anyone on here know of any feeder beetles that are available or that can be propagated? The bigger the better, they will be for supplementing the diets of my large agamids and lacertas. Thanks, -Kevo
  19. PassPort

    Egg Jackpot!

    Today after work I found my first real clutches of the season: 2 eggs from my reticulated Strophurus williamsi pair, another 2 eggs from my high orange Oedura castelnaui pair and a 3rd clutch of HUGE eggs from my PI Rhacodactylus chahoua! They must've all been laid today while I was at work...