T. microlepis


New member
T. microlepis is one of my favourite gecko's, I had one last year year but it died (worms)

I was wondering who on the foroms keeps this species, and maye you could post some pics :roll: .

I hope I can find some offspring soon :)

greets from Belgium :D


New member

i'm sorry Yellow-gecko, but as soon as i read it all i heard in my head was (in a tiny voice) 'are you a good witch or a bad witch?'



New member

I have recently aquired a pair of T.microlepis. I will let you know how things go with them, but I don't think i'll be having offspring available until I have a few more bloodlines established. I have always wanted to work with this species, as they are very attractive geckos. I know of 2 people for sure that have this species in the USA and 1 that may have them other than me, so they are getting very very hard to find here in the states. They are a bit more common in Europe though, with a handful of people breeding them over there. I will try and post pic's later.


New member
I bred microlepis a few years.
They are not as easy as other Teratoscincus sp.
I worked with 5 species and microlepis is the least easy to breed.



New member

I don't expect them to be, but I'm going to work on it.lol. How did you go about breeding them? I hear a long brumation period is key for proper breeding success. Other than the calcium demands from the females during breeding, I don't expect them to give me too much difficulty. thanks.


New member
I gave all my Teratoscincus sp a brumation periode of at least 10 to 12 weeks at about 16°C in the day dropping to 12°C at night.