They are very reclusive and not something I would reccommend to anyone not completely serious about keeping them. They are FULL of parasites, and while relatively hardy, can have a difficult acclimation period because of this. I have written a caresheet for C. irianjayaensis, but havent published on my site yet. They need humid, cool, very large tanks as they are semi arboreal and have large, sharp claws that they can dig into most any surface. Very little is known about them, and very few people are working with, or breeding them, so its a lot of guesswork at this point.
I am looking for more of these geckos, and would appreciate if you'd get in contact with me about the ones you are seeing at the shows, since these havent come in the country in mos (That I've seen) and are often confused with C. louisiadensis, which is in fact, what I bought the pair as.