Malaysian Bent-toed Geckos


New member
I have a long term pair of these geckoes. They have produced eggs for me, but they were layed in a plant and were soft and sloppy. Are these geckoes gluers?
I need to find out if they need an egg laying box for glueing, substrait laying or plant laying.


New member
According to henkel and Schmidt, depending on the species they will hide the eggs under or in objects, some species like C. pulchellus bury their eggs though.


New member
Anyone can provide me with caresheet for Malaysian Bent Toes?...I am planning on getting some C. quadrivirgatus and C. pulchellus...


New member
They are not gluers, and as suggested, bury their eggs near the base of plants. The eggs are surprisingly small for the size of the geckos - much like a crested egg when first laid.

Freshly laid C. irianjayaensis eggs

3 mos incubation

Gravid female:





New member
great pics, thanks. i have seen those regularly at the local show i attend, but never knew much about them and didnt know of anyone keeping them. what are they like? what is the care like? i always thought they were pretty cool and their size is pretty impressive.



New member
They are very reclusive and not something I would reccommend to anyone not completely serious about keeping them. They are FULL of parasites, and while relatively hardy, can have a difficult acclimation period because of this. I have written a caresheet for C. irianjayaensis, but havent published on my site yet. They need humid, cool, very large tanks as they are semi arboreal and have large, sharp claws that they can dig into most any surface. Very little is known about them, and very few people are working with, or breeding them, so its a lot of guesswork at this point.

I am looking for more of these geckos, and would appreciate if you'd get in contact with me about the ones you are seeing at the shows, since these havent come in the country in mos (That I've seen) and are often confused with C. louisiadensis, which is in fact, what I bought the pair as.


New member
in that case, Wild, it might have been the C. louisiadensis that i saw. can you point out the differences? i would happy to let you know who i see have them at the next show i make.



New member
C. louisiadensis as I understand it, are nearly identical (havent kept them personally), but have straight bands, not the jagged "w" or "m" bands like C. irianjayaensis. Both species have some variation in color. They are also from Australia, rather than Irian Jaya. I am interested in both species, however.

Here is a photo of C. louisiadensis for comparison:

& C. irianjayaensis


New member
looking at the pics, the ones i saw were very similar to the C. irianjayaensis. i'll keep a close eye out for them next weekend.



New member
congrats Wild!

btw, i was at the show i usually attend and i didnt see any C. irianjayaensis, but i had an eye for them for ya. sorry.



New member
Hello Leah and/or Jason,

Ive got a Cyrtodactylus Pulchellus,and I need a good caresheet of this beautifull animal.I have him in excellent conditions,but never found a complete caresheet.Can you please e-mail it to

Thank you!


New member
We do not have any caresheets for that specific species yet, but we keep them the same as C. irianjayaensis. You can find a caresheet for C. irianjayaensis on our website. It does need to be updated, there is some mis-information in it, but the actual care requirements are the same. We keep them moderate room temperatures, 68-75F, with moist substrate, lots of hiding places with bark and living plants. They are fed 2-3 times a week (crickets, cockroaches, etc) and are watered heavily each night. They do like day and night cycles so we do reccommend a light on the cage during the day. If you have specific questions, please feel free to ask.