I have a beadie and i whant to know how old he is.


New member
sorry it is 15 and one-fourth inches

What I keep as in herps:
1 male breaded dragon
1 cricket frog unknown sex
2 breeding pairs of green anoles
1 cuban treefrog male
a breeding pair of green frogs
1 brown anole female the male died
1 narrow mouthed salamander female
1 unknown sex leo
and many more I run a type of resscue for herps and other animals during the summer.


New member
ok, it really depends on the beardie's history. For example how much they eat, access to uv and supplements. At a guess id say 6-10 months ;)


New member
ya, it is all but impossible to tell how old he is. At 5 months old my beardie is 17" and 220 grams while some abult beardies never get over 16".