custom snakes enclosure


New member
this took way too long to build, but it was the first one i made.. kinda. i made the enclosure shown in the Uroplatus forum at the same time. its melamine sides and top and i used shower board for the back and flooring after building a frame out of 1 x 2 pine to support it. it's actually light enough for me to carry up the stairs without any assistance.... but not so light that i wasnt huffing and puffing. :p



New member
Nice cage-can't wait until I'm motivated enough to build some for myself. Then all I have to worry about is squeezing enough money out my budget for the materials.


New member
its less expensive than buying a good premade one... although we'll have to see on its durability. i think over all the cost was about $150.00. about $20 for the 3 melamine pieces, $20 for the tile board, $45 for the plexi, maybe $12 for the pine, $25 for the hardware, and some for the caulk and paint... oh and another $18 or so for the flexwatt and extension cords.


New member
Yea, they're always cheaper than buying pre-made ones and I'm pretty handy. Just gotta buy the materials....