Cyrtodactylus brevipalmatus


New member
Hello WildEyeReptiles,

there not so much species common here in Germany.I searched 1,5 years for a female of brevipalmatus.Its about 10 species,i saw on several shows here in Germany.You see here quadrivirgatus,louisiadensis,who turned out to be irianjayaensis.Sometimes you find pulchellus,peguensis,and thats it.But this is only,what i have seen.Our brevipalmatus female is gravid,we hope,we will get healthy hatchlings,because the first hatchling has a crooked spinal column,and i dont know why.Everyone i talked to,no one had a satisfying answer.



sune jensen

New member
I also saw Cyrtodactylus oldhami in Hamm. Intermedius is also seen occationally.

A few years ago I kept Cyrtodactylus papilionoides. Even bred them to second generation. But I found it extremely difficult to get rid of the babies, even when asking very fair prices, so in the end I skipped them to make room for new project. Makes me fell sad though, 'cause they were very nice and extremely easy to work with.


New member
Hello WildEyeReptiles,

i supposed high temperatures too.The next clutch will be incubated not higher than 26°C,at night roomtemperatur,about 20°C.What do you think?




New member
Anyone know what differentiate between Cyrtodactylus brevipalmatus and Cyrodactylus elok???
I am keeping the Cyrtodactylus elok also,but i still can't find what differentiate of them,and idea of you? :lol: :lol:


New member

in the book of Manthey/Grossmann - Amphibien und Reptilien SO-Asien(Dont know,if the book is available in english),is written,that only C.brevipalmatus has femoral pores,C.elok has not.Elok is a little bit smaller than brevipalmatus,the rest is very equal.

@sune jensen: Its sad,that most of the people are looking for animals,that are fashionable,and all the other beautiful geckos want nobody.I know this problem.




New member
That mean we hard to recognize the C.elok and C.brevipalmatus
Can you share more information about this two sp???
I only can find very little information on the web about all the Cyrtodactylus sp.


New member

Hello Kobe,

today i will scan the original description of C.elok by J.C.M. Dring(1979)and send it as an email to you.

I also have a description from brevipalmatus,but its in german.If you want it,i scan it,too.Thanx for the elok-photo_One difference i see at once to brevipalmatus:the tail of brevipalmatus is black/white,the elok tail seems more creamcoloured.



sune jensen

New member
Vierfleck: I can only agree 100 % with you. It is a shame to see how many people dont appreciate the many beatifull and interesting geckos of the genuses Cyrtodactylus, hemidactylus, pachydactylus, teratoscincus, homopholis, stenodactylus, paroedura, gonatodes, and many others.
If nobody cares to pick up on some of these geckos when the chance is here, someday we will we see the last import and then they are gone forever from the hobby.
I hope we will se more variety in the hobby in the future :!:



New member


sune:I looked 1,5 year for C.brevipalmatus female,evryone i asked,laughed or didnt know im talking about.There are so beautiful Hemidactylus( fasciata for example)you never see in trade.
Everyones running for R.ciliatus,because he is easy to handle.But if you look for Tokay-CB,its sometimes hard to find.I was on fairs,where you find no CB_Tokay,only WC ,and you know,how they look like.
And so you hardly find CB-Cyrtodactylus,its sad.




New member
Thank you for your information,but i don't know german,can you tell me some detail about it?
sune jensen,
I total agree with you,most of people just want to handle the geckos,they keep them just depend on the cost and are they popular
only few people like the Cyrtodactylus and Goniurosaurus sp in hong kong


New member

Hello Kobe,

i sent it to you,take a look on it,i try to translate next week. The scientific names of subralabialia for example is in german the same as in english,so you could understand it mostly.




New member
cyrtodactylus brevipalmatus

Hi folks,
i'm new in this Forum.
I thought, there could be no better way to get in contact with other people, hatching these amazing geckoes.
I'm from Germany.
Ony of my little geckoes is a 1.0 C. brevipalmatus.
So guess what i'm searching for :D .
It would be very nice to exchange experiences and information about these small, beautiful creatures.
And, of course, i'm searching for a female. But its not that easy to find CB C. brevipalmatus females.
Here are some photos.

So far,
see you all,


New member
I thought that a couple of the other characteristics in distinguishing elok from brevipalmatus was the silver eyes and the more distinct banding on the elok.

Here's a picture of my elok.



New member
Seems the c. brevipalmatus is quite popular in Germany, I too have 1.1 of these amazing geckos (and 2 eggs in the incubator right now), and even though i do not live in germany (although that is where I was born and raised) I did pick up my pair at the terraristika show in Hamm (Germany) in march. I saw them there and had never seen them before, and just had to take them, they are one of my favourites in my collection.

the moof

New member
wow, beautiful gecko. I love this species, but cannot find them here in switzerland. :evil:

*the moof*


New member
It sure is fun not knowing answers, gives us something to do...those all sure would pass as elok to me if no one told me otherwise.

Don't be so upset moof, I am sure many Malaysians have not even heard of them or seen them. By the way you are a posting mad man!


New member
You're right about moof being a posting mad-man.. in a couple short months I've seen him post on everything from aussies, phelsumas, uroplatus, felinus.. classifieds.. you name it, he's on top of it.

The pictures that AlanGrant gave a link to look more like C. brevipalmatus to me, but it might be difference in lighting that are making the eyes look more gold than silver. Everything else has looked like Elok to me. It's hard to say.