Anyone in the maine area?


New member
since I don't feel like writing you another animal, and noticed that you have asked what do I have rather than what experiences I have.

I have one 5' boa, and an AFT.


New member
Nice to meet fellow Mainers. I live about 10 minutes south from Portland, on the coast. I am a MHS, I applied for a permid for some herps, never happend.


New member
Nice to meet you to. Have you ever had problems with fish and wildlife, I was just curies how much they enforce those laws, if at all.


New member
I have a few species not listed. I just think its crazy that cresteds are allowed, yet gargoyles arent. so... I went out and got some. I also have velvets and ackies. If they updated the list, I would follow it, but it hasnt changed for a while. If they come knocking at my door, ill get rid of the herps, but until then, I will continue to keep them. do you have any restricteds?


New member
I considered getting cat geckos for a while. Now im going to get some emerald tree skinks and some sandfish as well as a mourning gecko once I sell some more. Are you planning to go to the april show in NH?


New member
I personally think Maine should chill out on its laws. I stand behind some of them, such as no venomous, large constrictors, iggys, and others, but for simple skinks and rhacs other than cresteds. They should put less time into making thins illegal and inspecting and more time into updating the list.


New member
I agree, it's like they do things backward. In most states people or groups request the illegalization of specific animals and here you have to request just about any animal to be legalized. It’s almost like they made pets illegal and then legalized specific animals upon request.