breeding frog eyed (wonder) geckos


New member
If you can find it I think Vivarium magazine vol. 6 issue 6 has a nice article on breeding these guys.


New member
darth_gecko said:
could any one tell me anything about the T.Roborowskii frog-eyed gecko ect :?:

As you like them so much, here's my female roborowskii




New member
Hey, Peter, remember the thing I mentioned about the berry eating on Geckoworld?

My female rarely will lick up a tiny piece of rassberry and lick at Crested Gecko Diet (not like a Crested Gecko), but just sampleing.

Just thought you'd be interested. Mine do drink everyday. Don't know if that is typical.


New member
Brian said:
Just thought you'd be interested. Mine do drink everyday. Don't know if that is typical.

I have seen my T. scincus drink on a regular basis, keyserlingii only once but have never seen Roborowskii or microlepis even look at the water bowl.

I tried them (scincus and keyserlingii )on some organic banana baby food but they just totally ignored it.


New member
Well keep in mind I keep them across from my computer so I see them at night until I go to bed. After the female layed her duds she drank like crazy. Mine do just lay there during the day cooking themselves. The male will lay out in the open sometimes. They don't drink everyday, but I do see at least one drink a little every otherday. I put water in those little plastic water bottle caps.


New member
Frog Eyed Gecko

Hey, I have two frog eyed gecko's, one male and one female. These gecko's start to mate at the age of one year to one and a half years. You will realise they are mating when the male gecko rubs his head onto the female's head. You will then realise the female is pregnant when there is a slight bulge on their stomach, you can make sure how many she is holding if you hold an LED light under her stomach but this could cause her stress so try and make it quick. When she lays the eggs, you will need an incubator at the temperature of about 80-85 Fahrenheit. When they have hatched, god knows when they will, put then in a plastic tray which can slide into a cupboard make sure it is see through or make sure they have a gap to let some light in. Feed them vitamins every second day and a scoop of meal worms everyday.

Hope this helps,


Riverside Reptiles

Administrator (HMFIC)
Dude, not to be snippy, but this thread is 7 years old.


There's nothing wrong with adding information to an old thread. It might not be of any use to the OP, but the information might perhaps be of use to someone else currently looking for the same information. These forums are an archive of information and used as such.