A few kingsnakes

Jan Grathwohl

New member

Just wanted to share a few pictures of some of my kingsnake-juvies

First of is a sinaloae from own breedings 2005


Second is a german breed hondurensis


Hope you like them

Jan Grathwohl

New member
Hej Jason

Yes, shedding is soon. I just brought my adult from hibernation, so hopefully we will sone have some matings here and some nice clutches :)


New member
nice milks (thats what most ppl call 'em here even though they are part of the kingsnake family). how many males do you have to pair up the females with? hows your past success been? what other species do you have?


Jan Grathwohl

New member
Hi Oscar

I have 2 males ready.

I only got eggs from one female in 2005 (small female = five eggs). The eggs from the other females were eaten by cage-mates - therefore they are to be kept seperately this year after mating.

I also keep and species marked with * i should be able to breed this year.

Elaphe dione * (two varieties)
Heterodon nasicus * (four females)
Lampropeltis getula californiae - chocolate phase *
Lampropeltis getula californiae - normal
Lampropeltis mexicana mexicanan *
Lampropeltis mexicana greeri
Lampropeltis mexicana thayeri *
Lampropeltis pyromelana infralabialis *
Lampropeltis triangulum andesiana *
Lampropeltis triangulum conanti
Lampropeltis triangulum hondurensis
Lamprophis fuliginosus * (two females)
Lichanura trivirgata saslowi *
Opheodrys aestivus
Pantherophis guttatus (normal and anery)
Pituophis deppei jani