My Albino Corn(pics)


New member
Here are a few pics of my albino cornsnake 8)




New member
nice Jason. he/she has some really creamsicle-y colors.
i have an adult male blizzard, adult female anery A, 05 female lavender, and 05 female anery.. not sure if its A or B. what other snakes do you have?



New member
oscar said:
nice Jason. he/she has some really creamsicle-y colors.
i have an adult male blizzard, adult female anery A, 05 female lavender, and 05 female anery.. not sure if its A or B. what other snakes do you have?

I have been told be others that they think its a creamsicle corn but Im not good with morphs. I always assumed it was an albino. I also have a baby snow corn, another adult corn that nobody has been able to 100% identify the morph but it may be a grays/corn mix, I also have a pueblan milksnake and 2 ball pythons.


New member
i am not 100% on all the corn morphs myself, but i am pretty sure a creamsicle is just a line bred amel for those colors.
why dont you post some pics of that unID'd corn. i'd love to see that one.
