looking for any informations about Cordylus giganteus


New member
Hello out there just want to ask if there are people her who have any informations about Cordylus Giganteus.
Keeping and breeding. need any information for a friend, but i can not help in that case.
would be nice if someone here could help a bit.

regards stefan

Jan Grathwohl

New member
Hi Stefan

I haven't any personal information on keeping them, but have a few publications, that might be of interest for your friend to get hands on :)

Adolphs, K. & M. Tröger. 1987. Lebensweise, Haltung und Zuchtproblematik des Riesengürtelschweifs Cordylus giganteus A. Smith, 1844. herpetofauna, 9(46): 28-33.

Paulduro, E. & U. Krabbe-Paulduro. 1987. Anmerkungen zur Lebensweise, Haltung und Zuchtproblematik des Riesengürtelschweifs Cordylus giganteus A. Smith, 1844. Sauria, 9(4): 9-17.

If your friend is also interested in articles on the biology of this species i can find some more ;)