The ELOK are here


New member


New member
Almost wish I was keeping some :oops: .Im faithful to my Felinus :wink: .There is a small number coming in as far as what Im bringing in.Theyre going to a group of breeders.Maybe youll see some c/b offspring in the years coming.


New member
They don't look dehydrated :shock: I am so excited about these guys, they look great! Thank you for working so hard on obtaining these guys as I understand these are not a part of your project. You do need a better camera :wink: I hope you get one before you take your trip.


New member
I know you put him up to it :wink: Actually I just noticed something.When I download them onto Photobucket,they lose clarity.They become fuzzy.I kid you not.I still suck at photography though :lol: .


New member
I just tried to zoom in and did not see the details, no problem they are great pics, the detail is not there in the pixels or whatever it is that makes you see the details :? I am not so good with the terms :)


New member
I met personally with one of the Elok breeders yesterday,to drop off geckos.I am glad they are happy and I know the geckos will receive excellent care.Its tough releasing such beautiful geckos without keeping a single one,but I think the breeders who have stepped forward will do well. :D


New member
Cool gecko, I like how they act like a crested gecko.

were you trying to look smart by putting that book in the background :lol:


New member
They turn a very ghostly orange at night.Glad you liked them.Another group on the way soon.

Yes this gal colored up after setting her up :D

were you trying to look smart by putting that book in the background

I never try anything :wink: you just wish you could look smart like me :eek: JK


New member
Its amazing the difference in coloration when they are relaxed.When I first got them in,I was disappointed because they were all brown.That night I checked up on them,orange,every last one of them.Well it looks like we got Elok,Quads,Pulchellus and Johore Felinus on the next shipment in.I didnt get enough response to the Consobrinus,so didnt order any.Just waiting now. 8)