Pubisulcus and Baluensis on the way?Maybe


New member
I received an email this morning from my exporter regarding the quadrivirgatus coming this week.I had forwarded him pictures that Leah sent to me,and he is questioning some of the quads he sent,because he sees some similarities to those pictures.He has been very honest and forthright in all our dealings,so I really do think there is something different on this shipment coming.Dont really know to what extent,but sounds interesting. :?:


New member
You can get ahold of Aaron Bauer and ask him for the differences in these geckos. Some are very similar looking and only differ from DNA. Are the pulchellus, quads., and 1.1 elok coming in still?


New member
Yes,but some of the quads might be comprised of some of these other species.I wont know til they arrive.I remember seeing some keys for scale counts,morphologically that might help.Im looking forward to it already.


New member
Leah,when they come in,I will snap some pics for you.Where at on the body are we looking for they key counts?