YEHAAA.. the papilionoides has arrived

Jan Grathwohl

New member

I have for quite some time had a single young male of this specimen in my collection (one i hatched myself a few years ago).

Yesterday i finally got my old breeding group back (wondering why i sold it back then)

I now have 2,2 adults and HOPE to have some luck with them this year (one of the females seems pregnant - so already looking good)

Anybody else keeping this species?


Jan Grathwohl

New member
Hi Sune

Yes - you might know the animals :) - the group originated from you as you might know. I was told by Jesper that he managed to get a few offspring from them last year - hopefully i can be as lucky this year :)

the moof

New member
well, do update us on how everything goes! and we expect a great number of pictures! (or at least i do :p )

*the moof*