2006 Cyrtodactylus elok-hatching

Nick Chow

New member
Hi all~
My name is Nick Chow and I come from Hong Kong. Here have some new pics of my C. Elok hatching.






New member
Would love to see those parents and hear about your experiences with elok and others you are keeping...nice to have you at the forums Nick!

Nick Chow

New member
Phantasticus said:
Would love to see those parents and hear about your experiences with elok and others you are keeping...nice to have you at the forums Nick!

Nice to meet u Phantasticus


New member
Wow! Thanks for posting! We're just getting started on these guys over here, so anything you can tell us is greatly appreciated! Temps, habitat, incubation temps, incubation time.. all very helpful. Our goal is to establish a good core of breeders so we don't need to import them.

I'm so happy that so many people are finding this forum!

Nick Chow

New member
Nice to meet u all:)
Here have some adult pic for u guys!




Infact I am not sure there are pairs or not. I got 3 adult C.E. last year but I guess all is the female and on November2005 they born 4 egg. Who can tell me how to differentiate the sex of C.E.?


New member
The parents are quite nice Nick. Do you have some shots of their undersides so that we can help sex them?


New member
Very nice geckos Nick...I like the reduced pattern in the second one!
Do you keep all three together? If so do you notice any fighting?

Nick Chow

New member
chahoua said:
The parents are quite nice Nick. Do you have some shots of their undersides so that we can help sex them?

ok I will try to post it tmr~!

Yes..I keep all together and they no fighting.
I will take some photos of my setting tmr^^


New member
Afelinus would know a difference as he has seen male and females.

Nice to hear they can be kept together, I am going to introduce my females to see how they behave.


New member
Sounds like we have another gargoyle gecko...very few males. Nick, we have found very few males here in the US, hopefully some of your babies grow up to be males for you.


New member
Nick, how long did you have the three before they laid eggs? Was it possible they were already gravid when they came in?

Nick Chow

New member
kenya_1977 said:
Nick, how long did you have the three before they laid eggs? Was it possible they were already gravid when they came in?

I think around 2-3weeks and it was possible they were already gravid when they came in.

Here have some pics for u guys!





New member
I'm betting on them coming in gravid. Of the pictures that you first posted of the three, there doens't look to be an obvious male.

Maybe you got one out of your new hatchlings!

Keep the pics coming, they're great!