2006 CB Cyrto update


New member
Looks like we'll have babies available (much) later in the year for trades and such.. they will not be outright sold unless I have all males. Also, I need female C. consobrinus if anyone can make the arrangements.

As of tonight, we have a few babies, and gravid:



New member
I will be looking for a male elok down the road if none make it to the states anytime soon. I also will be willing to trade for new bloodline, even if I get a male from Marcus.


New member
I brought back three C. consobrinus from our trip to Malaysia. I'm not sure on their sexes though. They aren't as obvious at the other Cyrtodactylus. None of them have obvious bulges. Two are quite large and lost their tails, one when I caught it (doh) and another dropped it in the container while coming back. One is subadult (about 1/3 the size of the other two). I haven't fully decided if I want to work with these. They are quite a bit larger, but they're growing on me.

They'll be a lot more of them coming in with Marcus though.


New member

Males AND females have a fair size bulge. I'll try to get you underside photos of mine. I'd really like a female if you have one though. I have to say they are my least favorite Cyrto, but they are the only one I havent been able to breed yet - LOL

Here's one, but doesnt show much of anything..



New member
I have to say that I really can't tell what you're showing me. Are the two consibrinus in the first picture males? If not which is which?

I looked at my three and don't really see a clear difference between any of them. Is there any difference in the femoral pores? I notice they have a bit of a unique pattern of some just above the vent and then way out on the legs.

Either way it's going to be a while before I send them anywhere. They are the ones that stressed out the most from traveling, so I'm having to keep an eye on how they are hydrating and eating.

Looks like your gravid elok there lower.


New member
Crystal - those are just gravid pics. I only check the cyrtos once a week, so you'll have to wait until next week for pics of their undersides. Top to bottom - intermedius, pubisulcus & elok all gravid females. If you want to post pics of the undersides of yours, that may be easier?


New member
That might be a while myself. I just messed with them yesterday trying to look at them. I'll see what I can do in the next week or so.

In your post about the consobrinus you mentioned putting a picture up for sexing. You then added a pic of the two consobrinus. Are you just saying that you can't tell the sexes from those pics?


New member

This pic has both male (bottom) and female (top) you can see the gender, but its hard to tell from the photo quality. The male has two enlongated hemipenal bulges and more ornamentation in the spurs. I think this species has a slight pore difference as well, but I cant remember and it doesnt show in the pic.

Close up of female:


New member
The bulges are obvious, but not as pronounced as other species. I had a pair a few years back and after establishing (hydrating) them, the males bulges grew larger, but still as an import there was a difference.
The person I did sell them to recieved eggs just over a month after selling them. I did not keep in touch, but I had them in a humid room with room temps no more than 72F and no less than 68F. They where in my posetion about six months before selling.
I still have the reciept on these sold as "forest gecko" and another two pairs sold as "banded gecko" back in 2003 from Captive Bred Fauna. I wish these guys where still around as they would get some cool geckos for great prices.


New member
Ok, I believe I can make out the difference, but I won't gaurantee anything. I do think the two larger ones are female, not sure about the smaller one. They have bulges, but they aren't as long and defined as your male looks. They are more rounded.

Thanks for explaining and showing pictures.