Cyrtodactylus brevipalmatus picture


New member
On to my cyrtodactylus, heres the only picture I have uplaoded of one of my C. breviplamatus, I do have more images but I've not got round to ever uplaoding them anywhere, if anyone is interested in seeing more of them i can upload a few more... have some great pictures I may just upload later anyway lol.


Hope that image is a nice sign of thigns to come for me to upload soon lol. I am hoping to get some cyrtodactylus louisiadensis at some point too... have fallen totally in love with this family :)


New member
Lol yeah me too :roll:

Baught it as brevipalmatus, and part of the reason for posting the picture is to see if anyone corrects me lol, the elok does look just like it :roll:


New member
8 years ago I received 3 pairs of Brevipalmatus.They are completely different color and pattern wise.They were much more subtle in color,like a dull brick color,and smaller.No visible pattern,other than around the head.Elok,like you have,are much more vibrantly colored and patterned.Larger also.There is taxonomic work in process that includes 2 other species into a four ssp. complex,still to be clarified.That complex includes these 2 geckos.


New member
Keep us up to date on that study of the four ssp. complex. I just want to breed them Marcus, you can have all my data for your book and my business if you get any :lol:


New member
No prob,I know this will get me some negative response,but only a few people will ever see these.On another note,getting a few pairs of masobe in,and gracilis


New member
Back to the Eloks :wink: , They do look consistent in pattern when someone has the same source, so I can see different species or at least sub-species worth keeping bloodlines seperate. I look forward to those and other Cyrtodactylus being understood better, even though the lack of information is mysteriously enjoyable!


New member
Shane,I've contacted a person with a real qualified eye to give a more professional opinion on this matter,as there is real confusion going on here.One thing is certain,these ELOK/Brevis are rare in their Native environment.


New member
Many rare geckos have similar species and subs so I can see it, the expert advice is what we really need. As seen in many species they can not get examples all the time to study without the help of you(or others like you) or your connections over there who are more informative than other exporters (or you have a way of getting information others don't). So even if you get more involved with importing, your intentions are obviously good and very much needed. It is the importers/exporters who take 50,000 at a time of one species that I can understand a negative response twords them.