C. quadrivirgatus


New member
Neat little geckos, I think you will like them. They fall under the category of designer potential with all the variation. I keep mine one cage up from a C.irianjayaensis cage and man they are so different in size yet still hold many traits.


New member
Hey Shane,could you give a little more detail if you dont mind.Your set up,furnishings,temps and anything else you can add.


New member
I use cork bark for narrow hide spots and bamboo tubes with gatorade bottle top water dishes. Peat substrate and might consider spagnum as a test later on. Keep at 73F with no heat source. I am considering adding a 15w. I have one individual, that is slightly skinny and sits out like it wants to bask. I am thinking it wants to burn off some parasites?, just a thought as this is the natural way many reptiles reduce parasite loads so would not put it past a gecko.


New member
Ok here is a picture of the one that tends to hang out. The foot was damaged and not sure how but this might have something to do with her behavior. Any ideas how this might have happened?


New member
I don't know if you have these guys together, but for now I would suggest separating it if you do. Sitting out during the day just isn't normal behavior, that might suggest that the animal is suffering/stressed/or being dominated by another individual. It also could be experiencing elevated parasites. After it's separated you might want to take a fecal into the vet.

Many speculations on the injury.. but over all separation is going to be the best for this gecko and keep an eye on excess food in the cage. If you have any antibiotic ointment I'd go ahead and put it on the wound.

Jaguar Gecko77

New member
yey i did it he he he well there it is!
the shovel isnt left in there i put it in to show what i use for the daily spot clean.
This is the exo terra 18x18x24 One thing i noticed is they use every location from hides to high brush. still trying to decide on the live plants I want to add...
hope it helps!