Photographs required for lizard book.


New member
Hi all, I am chasing some high resolution (700 kb or bigger) images of some of the overseas Nephrurus morphs (albino pilbarensis, skunk stripes, patternless, flame wheeleri), amel castelnaui, any other aussie gecko morph, and Nephrurus deleanii (adults, hatching etc.) for my lizard book. All pics used will be acknowledged and paid for in cash or with a copy of the end product. Please email pics to

Riverside Reptiles

Administrator (HMFIC)
Danny, I made this a "sticky" for you so it stays at the top of the page. Hope it helps get you the pics you need. I have a few I'll send you myself when I get a chance.


New member
Danny, I'll do my absolute best to get you the pictures that you are looking for in an extremely high resolution state. Gives me an excuse to buy a new camera, lol.


New member
Hi Danny,
I just signed up today. Sunday-7-2010.
I'll get some more details from you when You are ready.

It is now 21-2-2010.
I'm still waiting for a reply.
Perhaps you got run over by a Bus ?
Oh well, I had a lot of Very Good Pictures to help you out.
But if you can't even answer this forum.
Then you don't deserve any Pictures.:nana:
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New member
Sorry Kell, I haven't been on this forum for years and have finalised the photos 18 months ago. Thank for your offer though.


New member
Nice, I'll watch for it. hapy too proff a copy of it for you if you need it to.

JK, are you going to have any geckos unlimited deals on it? 1.5K pages, its going to be pricey huh? Whats the scope of it?


New member
Nice, I'll watch for it. hapy too proff a copy of it for you if you need it to.

JK, are you going to have any geckos unlimited deals on it? 1.5K pages, its going to be pricey huh? Whats the scope of it?

No idea on cost yet. It covers all species of Australian lizards in captivity


New member
No idea on cost yet. It covers all species of Australian lizards in captivity

Cool, sounds like good reading....probably going to cost me a lot more than the purchase price of the book though as I am sure I will be wanting to get into lots of new species after reading :)

Nick Stock

New member
This book will be an absolute must have to anyone interested in any Australian Lizard! I cannot wait for it's release date!


New member
Danny, please make sure to let us know when your book is released. Make sure to make them available in Europe as well, because I will buy one for sure, no matter what it costs. Gotta have it :)


New member
Danny, please make sure to let us know when your book is released. Make sure to make them available in Europe as well, because I will buy one for sure, no matter what it costs. Gotta have it :)

We'll make sure its well known when it comes out - after all, we'd like to sell some copies. Our publisher currently distributes to 96 countries so it shouldn't be an issue to get in Europe or the US.


New member
We'll make sure its well known when it comes out - after all, we'd like to sell some copies. Our publisher currently distributes to 96 countries so it shouldn't be an issue to get in Europe or the US.

That sounds really good. Thank you, Danny.
Greetings from Sweden


New member
any news on this book?

The project has gone off on a bit of a tangent and is now 5 books- A comprehensive lizard book covering all species and 4 companion books (monitors, geckos, skinks, dragons) covering all the readily available species.
The small books are essentially finished and I'm just final proofing the print copies as we speak. The big book is finished and being typeset as we speak. Not long now - its only in its ninth year of working on it.