Hi folks
Just a quick intro from me, having just found the site. Not sure how active I'll be here, but I had a browse over the NZ gecko threads and thought I might lurk around a bit and poke my nose in now and then.
As the sig says, I'm currently keeping Naultinus grayii (three females, one male, plus the last couple of years of babies - as much as it might cause distress amongst some of y'all to imagine it, I'm kinda over-run with the little tykes and should probably find a home for them!), plus Hoplodactylus granulatus (two females - my male died a couple of years ago and I haven't replaced him, though I probably should). Over the years I've also kept N. e. elegans, N. grayii, N. stellatus, N. rudis (my fave!), H. pacificus, H. chrysosireticus, H. maculatus and H. duvaucelii.
Happy to correspond with anyone interested in the critters, and especially anyone in NZ - since moving from Auckland to Wellington a few years back, I let my NZ Herp Society membership lapse due to a lack of action in Welly, and I'm kind of out of touch with any other geckophiles.
I'm also keen on photography, and having just purchased a macro lens, and with the warmer weather coming around again, the geckos have been getting some camera time - see my Flickr link below and head to the Wildlife set.