holodactiylus africanus care


New member
hello, since all ma good days, I write from this beautiful country that is Mexico, a little worm-eaten by the drug and H1N1, but that can be fished aser, because my question is what are the care holodactiylus africanus, as ahabia post a post elsewhere in the forum but they told me that write here but well, and searched in goole but I find nothing, not even that part of Africa is and why I come to you, is that the poxima I purchased a week. hope your good response.


Moderator/The French Viking Moderathorr
These geckos usually come as WC in a poor condition, the mortality rate is very high in the first captive months. They are quite deceiving...even when treated for parasites. They need quiet places with a lot of hides on the ground, a partially moist substrate, no or little artificial light. They usually come from Somalia or nearby areas. Adult size 10-11 cm. Rather cool temps in a semi-dry environment and an horizontal enclosure. But TBH buying some WC will only encourage wild populations of such a delicate species to be plundered a little more... ;)