Brazil is a great power to the hobby?


New member
This is my question.

I´m asking this because i´m from Brazil and i live here. I think everybody knows that here virtualy nothing is legal.
Iguana and jiboia were but are no longer.

I´m starting in the hobby and i can see that there are many hobbyists. leopard gecko is one. Everybody who has reptiles, have one or 2 leo geckos at home.

Finally, what do you think, considering what you know, about these countries?
Argentina leopard geckos (I don´t know the other animals) is legal.

PS: Sorry about my bad english and some mistakes. I think didn´t say what I meant, but it´s ok.
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New member
Is Brazil is a great power to the hobby?
This is my question.

I´m asking this because I´m from Brazil and I live here. I think everybody knows that here virtualy nothing is legal.
Iguana and jiboia were but are no longer.

I´m starting in the hobby and I can see that have there are many hobbyists. Leopard gecko is one. Everybody who have has reptiles, have one or 2 leo geckos at home.

Finally, what do you think, considering what you know, about these countries?
Argentina leopard geckos (I don´t know the other animals) is legal.

PS: Sorry about my bad English and some mistakes. I think I didn´t say what I meant, but it´s ok.

I corrected most of the grammar and spelling mistakes. Stuff colored red you should remove, the stuff in Bold you should add.

I am not quite sure what you are asking, I think you are asking if Brazil is valuable to the reptile hobby. There are many animals that originally come from Brazil, so I would say yes, Brazil is important to the hobby.


New member
Isn´t a question.
It´s just an argument.

Because gorvernment of Brazil doesn´t encourages anything. So the hooby will be always illegal and most of us get "upset" with this.

The reptile shows i can see are so big and so organized. This could be here too =)