Naultinus grayii


New member
Here's a shot that I took of a n. grayii, I hope for the best this breeding season...


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New member
I am becoming obsessed with these geckos. Where did you purchase them from? If you don't mind me asking what is the price tag on something like that?



New member
Good luck! Emily says she wants one for her second birthday...
Huge congrats, that's a zoo caliber aquisition. It's time to invest in a Mercedes gecko chiller.
You've got some nice additions to that species tag of yours.


New member
LOL, can Emily say naultinus yet Sean, or better yet strophurus? I'm not so sure if it's Emily who wants them as a birthday present! Yes, now it is time for a comfortable wine cooler! @Courtney, they were only in my dreams as well, but if you are good Santa will reward you!

Riverside Reptiles

Administrator (HMFIC)
They're really very over rated. I think that most breeders that get them are trying to over compensate for having a small...errr...ya know. It's kind of like the guys that feel the need to drive a Lamborghini or Ferrari. :evil:

Haha! Just kidding Oli! :biggrin: Congrats and great luck with this species. I'm sure you'll have a list a mile long of people wanting to be on your waiting list. So go ahead and put me on it now ;)

@'s obviously up to Oli if he wants to answer you or not. But in general, it's considered pretty rude to ask someone what they've paid for something. This is definitely one of those species that if you have to ask, it's probably too much!


New member
LMAO, very true Ethan, you got me there, I can't deny having a small gecko in my collection, haha


New member
He told me that Santa gave these to him, so he got them for free ;-)

If Santa hands out THESE kinds of gifts, I'm going to be a complete angel this year! :biggrin:


New member
They're really very over rated. I think that most breeders that get them are trying to over compensate for having a small...errr...ya know. It's kind of like the guys that feel the need to drive a Lamborghini or Ferrari. :evil:

Haha! Just kidding Oli! :biggrin: Congrats and great luck with this species. I'm sure you'll have a list a mile long of people wanting to be on your waiting list. So go ahead and put me on it now ;)

@'s obviously up to Oli if he wants to answer you or not. But in general, it's considered pretty rude to ask someone what they've paid for something. This is definitely one of those species that if you have to ask, it's probably too much!

And that's why I said "if you don't mind me asking". I was curious as to the general price range as I have never seen one for sale? Simple question that required a simple answer. I didn't ask you what the gecko cost and I believe Oli would be the one to determine it a rude question. Thanks.

Riverside Reptiles

Administrator (HMFIC)
Bruce, no need to get your panties in a bunch. :fight: If you wanted only an answer from Oli, you probably should have sent him a private message. It would have been more likely to have gotten an actual response from him. :shock: I posted my response to your message not just for your benefit, but for that of others who often seem to persist in asking people what they paid for their geckos...especially the higher end stuff.


New member
naultinus really are nice! wish we could head out for a hike here in the states and see cool stuff like that! of course, the NZs and Aussies probably say that about our rattlesnakes and gilas


New member
Holy mollie, I never really check this section thats phenomenal. Thats some next level s!!! you got there oli congrats.



New member
Gerhard, I am bringing the animals out of cooling now and have been offering them all types of food, ie. crickets, waxworms, fruit nectar mixes, etc. but they have not started eating really, they seem to be slowly coming out of their brumation state. I only received the pair a few weeks ago, and yes, I am very much trying to entise this pair to feed. If they don't breed this year, there is always next, and now I have them under my care so I can control every aspect of their care as I know only a little about this particular pair prior to this acquisition except that the female had one offspring last season. Any help would be greatly appreciated if you would be generous enough to share some of your personal experience. PM me if you are willing, otherwise I will take the hint like the others have freely expressed.


New member
naultinus really are nice! wish we could head out for a hike here in the states and see cool stuff like that! of course, the NZs and Aussies probably say that about our rattlesnakes and gilas

Dead right there! I'd love to be able to see snakes in NZ, though it would be an environmental catastrophe if they ever became estabished down here. I'm more of a boa fan myself.
Lizards aren't really that common in the NZ wild, unless you know where a specific population is. I still haven't seen a wild Naultinus yet, after living in the North Island for many years. I remember the days where a skink at the beach was a common sight, and we had a pair of H. maculatus living by our back door that used to feed on the moths attracted to the light at night. That all seems to be gone now, or restricted to the predator free islands.


New member
I asked Santa for some of those, but all he gave me was some coal!!! I think Santa's a Nigerian con-man. LOL Oli, I'm coming to stalk you!!(why else would I go to New Jersey, hehehe) Good luck and keep up with the photos. Cuz all us who have um.... gecko envy will be keeping an eye out for them.


New member
Great animals. Congrats and good luck Oli!
Regarding the price for Naultinus grayii
Last year I saw pair on pangeareptile forum for $7500
couple month ago on kingsnake 3.2 for 25 K
They probably will never go down in price ...due to slow producing , livebearers (1 or 2 babies) , still rare in hobby with very special requirments...
Sooo-o ... Oli all hopes on you ! Breed them enough for all of us.
What is my # on waiting list ?

Gena V


New member
Thanks for the good words! Can't count my grayii before they hatch or something like that haha. Yeah I guess the naultinus can be expensive, but they are not what one would call an investment animal. No gecko I have is looked on like this, I enjoy the animals, if they breed great! Then hopefully I can make some trades? ;) This pair was cooled for quite a long time and was cooled at a very low temp so when i brought them back they were somewhat thin. Thankfully they are active and gaining weight. I look forward to setting up a nicely planted enclosure with some manuka, new zealand flax, and coprosma when they are settled. These guys get more attention than my new born son and my father who is currently on his dying bed!:coverlaugh: