Another sad day for the Hobby


New member
Man I hate cops so useless. They use a freaking swat team to go into the place and yet they are afraid of two dogs so they shot them such Political BS and no reason for the warrant :-x. I don't know how that doesn't apply to the criminal code, manslaughter is still manslaughter wether it's a person or animal.


This is BS because you should not be having any alligators in your home or owening them they are very dangerous. I am glad that they got rid of them and going to put them whear they belong in a zoo or whear it's safe. You can't be having dangerous reptiles and if one gets lose it could hurt someone very badly.


New member
This is BS because you should not be having any alligators in your home or owening them they are very dangerous. I am glad that they got rid of them and going to put them whear they belong in a zoo or whear it's safe. You can't be having dangerous reptiles and if one gets lose it could hurt someone very badly.

Police executed a search warrant on Cullen's building on Wednesday afternoon and found the animals. Why the warrant was issued in the first place has yet to be revealed. But when officers first entered the building, they felt threatened by some dogs that met them at the door. Those officers shot and killed two Tibetan mastiffs.

you do not find a problem with that?

Wonder what you would feel like having your door kicked in while you were not home and your animals were seized and some of your pets killed?


LOL frist off you need to grow up and 2 I can see just fine I don't need to have all of that red writing in my face. I have a real problem when pepole have dangerous reptiles in there homes and those dogs might have when after the police so yeah if that happen then they have every right to shoot them. So you need to move on with that attitude you have and get with life my dear. :rolleyes:


New member
LOL frist off you need to grow up and 2 I can see just fine I don't need to have all of that red writing in my face. I have a real problem when pepole have dangerous reptiles in there homes and those dogs might have when after the police so yeah if that happen then they have every right to shoot them. So you need to move on with that attitude you have and get with life my dear. :rolleyes:

But still you do not have a problem with the police busting in Doors for no Legitimate reason and the Go..Opps but look what we found...I Imagine that if you did enough research you just might have an Illegal animal in your collection..and you local wildlife expect might say your abusing your animal because it is underfeed and neglected and you can go to jail


If too many pepole start complaning and there is enough to go on then they have the right to remove those animals. Alligators are very dangerous and should not be kept in in homes with pepole. They are wild animals and if given a chance they will go and can kill someone and small kids. And you say for no reason? they had every reason to get in there and get those dangerous animals out of there. Safety comes frist and I was living very close by him and found out that there is dangerous animals in there I would want the police to get them out. Befor they get out and hurt someone or a child we need to look at safety and we need to make sure that everyone is safe having dangerous animals is not keeping others safe.


New member
Keeping a alligator in home is no different then a gun or chemicals. All can kill, but if someone is RESPONSIBLE then its not an issue. I know many people who have kept venomous(I myself have). I have no idea what his set up was like. If he was keeping it in a little 12 inch kitty pool then yea, I might think thats not a proper set up for the animal(If there freaking out over baby alligators then they are idiots, they should start attacking pet shops for baby burmese pythons then).I doubt they pulled a 9ft alligator out of there. Its wrong for what they did. The hobby gets attacked quite often, and there are some people that make us look bad.


LOL okay I am not going to say anything because this is so stupid and this thread is not even wroth my time. Iam not for alligators or any other dangerous aniamls being in someone's home they belong in zoos or in the wild not in your home. Just like keeping a bear in your home it does not belong there. And Venomous snakes should not be kept in your home all it takes is for it to strike and thats it. I can't tell you how many pepole have got killed becuase they have had venomous or other dangerous aniamls in there home. Or they have bears or lions lol they are not ment to be in your house they are ment to be in the wild or somewhear they can not harm pepole.


New member
What is all this mess?? he he he, well, I actually have to say that MORE PEOPLE get killed every year for dog bites, guns, car accidents, OBESITY, heart attacks, drug or alcohol abuse than for keeping "dangerous animals" ..... Police officers did VERY BAD by killing those dogs, they were only defendig their home!! I have to agree with jpstodfwtexas, bad move from the police!! If they DID wanted to start an investigation they should have done it differently, and the dogs would be fine right now, if they wanted to take away the animals there are better ways to do it. It is amillion times more dangerous to keep guns in a house, that means the police should attack every one who owns a gun?? THEY OWN GUNS THEMSELVES!!


New member
IF his animals were not well kept, it is ok that they wanted to remove them, but otherwise is just as dangerous owning a dog, as I stated before, more people get injured by dogs every year than by "dangerous animals" (I also love dogs, by the way, nothing against them, just feels a little hypocrit to attack "dangerous animals" when labrador retriever is the #1 animal to attack human beings every year)


Okay I am lost to what to say now everyone is sticking up for this man that had dangerous reptiles in his home. You should not have them unless you know that they are not going to harm others. Everyone has there opinion on this well I have mines and that's how I see it. We should not be getting into it we should be expressing our opinion like adults not kids.


New member
First of all the animals were not kept in his home..They were in Locations set up to house the Animals.

If it is not worth your time then why keep commenting.

Follow up some on the Article..notice you can't find hardly anything other than the first few Sensationalized stories about.

So Called Expert who have no knowledge on these Animals commenting on how bad they were kept..

There ain't anyone who would agree that if the animals were mistreated then they should have been taken..One Follow up Story told how the Animals were taken from the People who confiscated them because they were being kept in bad conditions there...irony

Some people know that there have been several situation where the Hobby has been called to view because of several High Profile Cases trying to close down the Hobby by a certain well known animals right group.

Straight Forward Question...How would you feel if Cops showed up at your Door because They had a Tip you Sold Drugs and shot your dogs because They Claimed they were afraid the Dogs were gonna attack them and then decide to confiscate your Animals because Someone said they were Kept in Bad Conditions?


New member
it surprises me that if their warrant was in relation to dangerous animals, why were they not prepared for two dogs?????? obviously, they think dogs are far more dangerous than alligators otherwise all his pets would have been shot.


New member
it surprises me that if their warrant was in relation to dangerous animals, why were they not prepared for two dogs?????? obviously, they think dogs are far more dangerous than alligators otherwise all his pets would have been shot.

Surprise Surprise the warrant was not about the warrant..oh so they say...but ! ! !


New member
Gosh the cops are clueless... I completely agree with Turbogecko and those poor dogs where probably someone's beloved pets. If they were there with Gators, and giant snakes but they aren't prepared for two dogs?! like, what?! If the animals were badly kept and such, then taking them could be the correct decision, if not, the poor guy should be left alone. To burst into a building and take animals without reason is ridiculous.:paddle:
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First of all the animals were not kept in his home..They were in Locations set up to house the Animals.

If it is not worth your time then why keep commenting.

Follow up some on the Article..notice you can't find hardly anything other than the first few Sensationalized stories about.

So Called Expert who have no knowledge on these Animals commenting on how bad they were kept..

There ain't anyone who would agree that if the animals were mistreated then they should have been taken..One Follow up Story told how the Animals were taken from the People who confiscated them because they were being kept in bad conditions there...irony

Some people know that there have been several situation where the Hobby has been called to view because of several High Profile Cases trying to close down the Hobby by a certain well known animals right group.

Straight Forward Question...How would you feel if Cops showed up at your Door because They had a Tip you Sold Drugs and shot your dogs because They Claimed they were afraid the Dogs were gonna attack them and then decide to confiscate your Animals because Someone said they were Kept in Bad Conditions?

Like I said I have the right to my opinion and you have the right to yours let's move on shall we. :roll:


New member
So your opinion is that Cops can use Bogus Charges to Take what they Want and to kill animals just because You believe that certain Animals should not be owned


New member
Well I don't think some people should have children. But guess what they still get the right to reproduce. Darn it! Anyways it's pretty simple how I feel about this. If you have the space, knowledge, and money to provide for animals as such then you should be able to get a permit to do so. As for what the cops did. That is complete and utter crap. The came prepared take gator but they couldn't back the heck up from the dogs for two seconds and get animal control to restrain them to execute this "search warrant" right ok that makes sence. Looks to me that these tips came from people with an intrest in making a very public scene so that the ban this and ban that issues can still go on. Whatever no due dilligence as usual I've come to expect no less. The people need to fight back and say your opinions and views on the subject. Then and only then will the whole community and government be able to come to some sort of compromise. And hey if you don't think people should own one type of animal to another that's cool but you can only control yourself. Don't own them. Let others make their own decisions.


Well I don't think some people should have children. But guess what they still get the right to reproduce. Darn it! Anyways it's pretty simple how I feel about this. If you have the space, knowledge, and money to provide for animals as such then you should be able to get a permit to do so. As for what the cops did. That is complete and utter crap. The came prepared take gator but they couldn't back the heck up from the dogs for two seconds and get animal control to restrain them to execute this "search warrant" right ok that makes sence. Looks to me that these tips came from people with an intrest in making a very public scene so that the ban this and ban that issues can still go on. Whatever no due dilligence as usual I've come to expect no less. The people need to fight back and say your opinions and views on the subject. Then and only then will the whole community and government be able to come to some sort of compromise. And hey if you don't think people should own one type of animal to another that's cool but you can only control yourself. Don't own them. Let others make their own decisions.
Ya know what I could not agree with you more so tahts what Iam going to do let others make their own decisions ok case closed.