Hello from NZ!

David R

New member
After contemplating it for many years, I've finally decided to get a permit and start keeping some of our beautiful native geckos. I'm a complete newbie, so I'm glad there's a few other kiwi's here! I'm still deciding which species and how many I'd like to keep, although I'll probably start off small with just one or two enclosures.
I've been keeping fish for over 10 years, and also have a bearded dragon, as well as a beagle/fox terrier cross and a hungarian vizsla puppy!

I've joined the NZ Herp society last week, still waiting to hear back from them though..



David R

New member
I envy you! I wish I could keep Nautlinus! Eventually I will, but it won't be for a very long time.

Thanks. Its a small trade off though, we have very cumbersome, restrictive and ridiculous laws controlling the importing of fish, so while I am able to keep Nautlinus easily and cheaply I miss out on the fresh water stingrays, large south american catfish and countless other species I'd love to keep (not to mention tortoises!). Canada is a beautiful country and you have many things I envy, if I was to relocate to anywhere in the world Canada would be top of my list!


New member
Thanks. Its a small trade off though, we have very cumbersome, restrictive and ridiculous laws controlling the importing of fish, so while I am able to keep Nautlinus easily and cheaply I miss out on the fresh water stingrays, large south american catfish and countless other species I'd love to keep (not to mention tortoises!). Canada is a beautiful country and you have many things I envy, if I was to relocate to anywhere in the world Canada would be top of my list!

the same can be said for your country!

we always want what we don't have


New member
David I recently joined the NZHS and they have been taking care of me really well and helping me out with any questions and are offering a lot of experience which is really helpful. I am envious of the species you Kiwi's work with, but it is always a matter of wanting something you can't have, or the grass is always greener on the other side....

Elizabeth Freer

Well-known member
Hi David ~

Welcome to GU :yahoo:! You are so very lucky to have Naultinus and Hoplodactylus in your fair country.

I am not sure that I agree with your statement below. If these geckos "were $20 down at the local pet shop" I'd have a handful by now. I have just the perfect outside location to keep them.

I think thats it eh, I bet Nautlinus wouldn't be anywhere near as desirable overseas if they were $20 down at the local pet shop...
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