UIC - Uroplatus Information Center


New member
Hello Everyone!

As James has mentioned in his "Uroplatus Resource" thread, we have a site that we hope will become the central hub for Uroplatus information.

Uroplatus Information Center

It is, as I'm sure it will always be, a work in progress, so please feel free to make suggestions on how we can improve the site.

Now, the point of the site is to consolidate Uroplatus information into one centralized location, so if anyone is interested in submitting material, whether it be care sheets, images, articles regarding husbandry and breeding etc, it would be extremely helpful. Of course, we will give credit to all authors and contributors. We're not here to call this our own, rather, simply to make the information easily available to all who seek it.

We're also looking for a few dedicated and experienced keepers who are interested in assisting us with other aspects of the site moving forward. Please feel free to contact me to discuss any further details. :)

Thank you!


Riverside Reptiles

Administrator (HMFIC)
I would suggest that first and foremost you put up a quick homepage on that URL (even if it's just a picture or two with contact information and a basic sort of "mission statement" for the site). And get yourself an easy to remember free email address from yahoo or gmail, etc. Something along the lines of uroplatusinfo@yahoo.com for example. The easier it is for people to find you and send you info, the more likely it is to happen.


New member
Thanks everyone. I've made a few edits already.

We'll be posting a list of some of the topics an items we'll be asking for some help with. I've also asked the mods to Sticky this thread on the forum. :)

Thanks again!



New member
Lookin' good!

Can we (the general public) register as breeders if we are keeping/breeding/attempting to breed any of the Uro's?

Thanks! And great work guys!


New member
I think in addition to caresheets I think if a studbook could be incorporated into the website it would be extremely beneficial to these geckos long term survival in captivity. Something that makes it easy for everyone who is breeding these guys to register animals. There used to be one for Cat Geckos...however that seems to have faded away. However I think if it coulkd be done properly, it would set the bar for not only other gecko species, but for the reptile industry as a whole.

Also maybe have it so there could be an online breeder notebook log, where one could just type an observation from that day or somesort of update. Over time you would have a informative/historical journal.
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New member
I think in addition to caresheets I think if a studbook could be incorporated into the website it would be extremely beneficial to these geckos long term survival in captivity. Something that makes it easy for everyone who is breeding these guys to register animals. There used to be one for Cat Geckos...however that seems to have faded away. However I think if it coulkd be done properly, it would set the bar for not only other gecko species, but for the reptile industry as a whole.

Also maybe have it so there could be an online breeder notebook log, where one could just type an observation from that day or somesort of update. Over time you would have a informative/historical journal.

If you check on the Uroplatus Resource Thread, I think it was RiversideReptiles who mentioned how extremely difficult it would be to maintain this, and that the Cat Gecko one was a perfect example. It would need to be updated so many times, and every new owner would have to do it to continue, and they may not be interested.


New member
So have it a requirement to be listed as a breeder on that site to register their animals in the notebook/studbook. I imagine it wouldn't be that hard as long as you have a core group that is interested in keeping at least their animals recorded.

What is the cat gecko database? I can't find anything on it but it's constantly mentioned here.


Super Moderator
As this seems to be a very popular idea, I have made this thread a Sticky so it doesn't get lost and we can keep everything related in this thread.

I have a lot of ideas as this is something I have been considering myself for a long time. There will undoubtedly be problems and hurdles, but it is worth at least trying. The more people that get involved, the greater the chance of success.
I will be willing to contribute in any way I can, just let me know what I can do.

Riverside Reptiles

Administrator (HMFIC)
So have it a requirement to be listed as a breeder on that site to register their animals in the notebook/studbook. I imagine it wouldn't be that hard as long as you have a core group that is interested in keeping at least their animals recorded.

What is the cat gecko database? I can't find anything on it but it's constantly mentioned here.

The problem with that is that you'll lose a lot of breeders that don't have the time or desire to mess with a registry. And even if you have a "core group" what about the offspring they produce? What if the person(s) buying them doesn't want to participate? There's all kinds of different factors that go into a registry. I'm not saying that it can't be done, or not to do it. I'm just saying that it's a lot more difficult to keep going over the long term than one might think. It's a ton of work for the breeder to have to update every time they hatch out a new animal or sell an animal or get an animal. And over time, people loose interest in keeping up with that extra work. Long ago there was an attempt at a National Reptile Registry. It flopped. There was the corn snake registry. As far as I know, nobody really uses that any more. THe cat gecko registry lasted about a month before people quit using it.

Anyway, my point in the last thread about this was...get the site up and running with the basics (caresheets, pictures, FAQs, breeder list, etc). Get people interested in the site in general and get some traffic moving to it. And THEN, once you have a core group of breeders, see if you can muster enough participation to get a registry going.
just my two cents


New member
I think of most importance would be to impress upon the importers the need for collection locale data. I can definitely tell from my collection that there are numerous phenotypes for each "species". Matching like animals with like animals, and maintaining some level of "purity" would seeem logical IMHO.


New member
one other note: I think a "studbook" would be complicated by the fact that myself, and I'm assuming others, rotate several males through enclosures with females. It would be difficult to determine the sire in these instances.

Multi-animal groups would certainly complicate things...

As would sperm retention.


New member
Well I guess you're both right. It would be difficult, but it would be nice if it worked. I agree it is important to get the site on track and like Derek said get a core group together and generate interest. I know when I first started with Uroplatus I was looking for that sort of thing.


New member
I think of most importance would be to impress upon the importers the need for collection locale data. I can definitely tell from my collection that there are numerous phenotypes for each "species". Matching like animals with like animals, and maintaining some level of "purity" would seeem logical IMHO.

This right here is something I would love to track! We can then link pattern to locale (if applicable) and climate etc....

As Ethan mentioned above, right now, we're starting with gathering any information people are willing to share. Care sheets, images, articles regarding enclosures etc etc. From there we'll take a look at how to best implement future enhancements. :)

Thanks again everyone and keep the ideas coming. One thing we can start doing is develop a list of questions for a FAQ section. At least newcomers have something to reference without having to scour the internet for whatever they find. Any takers? :biggrin:


Riverside Reptiles

Administrator (HMFIC)
I think of most importance would be to impress upon the importers the need for collection locale data. I can definitely tell from my collection that there are numerous phenotypes for each "species". Matching like animals with like animals, and maintaining some level of "purity" would seeem logical IMHO.

That would be a great thing if it could be pulled off. However, considering the numbers that these are imported/exported in, I don't know that it would be possible. I know one importer who brings in 800-900 animals at a time. I can't imagine that the exporter would have detailed info on that many animals. And that's just ONE importer. Imagine what the total number imported is. I don't know what the "quota" is...but it certainly isn't small. In any case, I can't see locale info being reliable when those sorts of numbers are involved.

The only way I could see it happening is if one were to import small quantities from a very serious exporter that was really into Uros and willing to collect and give out that information...and then resold to hobbyists here that were serious enough to pay the extra money involved in such detailed treatment of the imported animals. That's what Marcus did with the locale specific cat geckos.


New member
Luis- Do we need to send you all info/pics for the site, or is it possible to make it to upload it directly to the site from any computer (like how this site you can upload a care-sheet/article?)

Thanks Derek


New member

It's a great idea but I think perhaps a wiki component would be more efficient? But for the time being, you can shoot me an email if you have anything to contribute. :)

Also, I am keeping a master list of ideas (and this thread) to reference so keep them coming. I have to admit, the little bit of interest and support I've received so far has pushed this further than it was, so thank you again everyone! :)
