Tokay Saves Another Tokay from Small Snake


Active member
I can't believe they would just sit there & video tape this and not try to help the gecko themselves; then again they aren't hobbiest. Glad the Tokay's buddy (or mate) was near by to help defend the snake off.


New member
Wait, what?
Why should you "help" one of the animals? What you see on that vid ist absolutely pure nature and nothing, you have to help with.

Circle of life and so on, you know?

I breed a lot of different roaches, but i never felt the urge to HELP a roach, when another animal eats it.

Elizabeth Freer

Well-known member
Wait, what?
Why should you "help" one of the animals? What you see on that vid ist absolutely pure nature and nothing, you have to help with.

Circle of life and so on, you know?

I breed a lot of different roaches, but i never felt the urge to HELP a roach, when another animal eats it.

Hi grmblmonster ~

Each of us has his/her different "levels" of helping critters. We all draw the "line" at different places. Some people I know would even relocate a house spider outside rather than kill it.

I feel that there is perhaps more to this video than that. Here another tokay "recognizes" that one of its kind is in peril. Rather than just passing by or just observing the action, the tokay uses a successful strategy to free his/her buddy from the predator!

Riverside Reptiles

Administrator (HMFIC)
Let's not turn this into a negative thing. I don't think that Elizabeth intended it to be so. It's a cool video that shows the intelligence and protective nature of tokay. Both are qualities that are often overlooked in this species by many keepers.


New member
Very cool video! I never really thought of geckos as being social like this (I know they can be social, but defending one another is a step up from there, I think). Thanks for sharing! :biggrin:

Riverside Reptiles

Administrator (HMFIC)
Very cool video! I never really thought of geckos as being social like this (I know they can be social, but defending one another is a step up from there, I think). Thanks for sharing! :biggrin:

Tokay (both the males and females) will guard their eggs as well as their babies. They're a very cool and complex species. Not given nearly enough credit in the hobby.


New member
Tokays (better to say: The whole Gekko family) are very social and have fascinating behaviours.

btw.: another possibility for the behaviour of the attacking Tokay might be, that the other Tokay is another male and the snake is just "in the way".

Elizabeth Freer

Well-known member
Tokays (better to say: The whole Gekko family) are very social and have fascinating behaviours.

btw.: another possibility for the behaviour of the attacking Tokay might be, that the other Tokay is another male and the snake is just "in the way".

All possibilities "count" :)